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Vimeo stats


Once I decided to use Vimeo for my vids this season I thought my viewer count would drop, well I was wrong.
In the last 7 days I’ve had 1,435 loads. I should say that a few people did watch them twice.

That may even be better than Youtube used to give me. I just feel sorry for my youtube subscribers but I’m sure they will find me.

Thanks for watching.


Vimeo is the bomb. I see a lot of videos go viral on Vimeo - it’s growing for sure! I think once people realise where to find your videos, they will be more appreciative of the quality. Maybe drop a couple of vids now and then onto your Youtube channel, and put in the description, “Snocam has moved to vimeo: *drop URL here* or something along those lines. You can actually put URLs in the description so it’s easy for anyone to click over. Just a thought.


Thats great. Vimeo is so much better.

Just upload a quick vid to youtube telling your subs to go to vimeo and see ur new channel.

Only problem is Youtube will probably block the audio LOL


Vimeo has better quality but no where near the number of people on there.

for a more scientific study spaz you need to post the same vid on Vimeo and on Youtube, promote them the same and then look at each ones hits after a week and then repeat 10 or so times with new vids smile

I’m pretty stoked that my most watched snowboarding vid just hit 27,000 views on youtube. but ill probably be posting on Vimeo mostly in the future to, just cause the quality is better and I really aim my vids at fam/friends etc and they just click on a link on fb.


p.s I found you long ago on Vimeo smile


In 2009/2010 I used YouTube for my Daily Vids on different accounts for each year.

My most views for one vid is from 2009 and a little over 2,000. Total views for that account is almost 35,000.

I like Vimeo stats better as it lets me know how often it has begun loading, So if one person watches it twice it shows it as 2 not one.


Ok right, I didnt realise that. that is a good function. im fairly sure you could at least halve my youtube views on most vids as mates always watch it a few times.
How do you tell how many views you have for all your videos in total? does it tell you somewhere or do you have to go through and tally the views up from each vid manually?


I definitely use vimeo and not youtube for my own vids. I still search vids on both though cause sadly youtube is still more popular.

Andy Aitken - 26 June 2011 01:22 AM

I definitely use vimeo and not youtube for my own vids. I still search vids on both though cause sadly youtube is still more popular.

Id like to see some of ya upside down footage Andy!!!!

Gotta post some of ya vids. On here!!!!


Sadly all I have is a few pics :(. The day I started landing tame dogs was the same day I dislocated my knee in the park at Perisher. Which sucks so much cause it’s one of the best tricks I have and I trained for so long to get it.
I haven’t been doing them since I’ve come back to Canada while my knee slowly heals. I’ve been working on heaps of other stuff but kinda less impressive than flips.
I hucked 1 or 2 tiny ones with the boardworld crew at booterville just for fun. But kinda knew I wouldn’t land them cause the jump was almost flat and small.
Maybe up on the summer park when I get some new boots. I REALLY want it on film.


Well if ya happen to make it down under for the Shred by any chance, I for one will def grab some footage of ya crankin a few!!!!!  cool grin

And most def load it up on Vimeo for the stats smirk !!!!


Tame dogs are one of the best looking tricks ever I reckon. ive tried twice in NZ and bombed both times, i really need the perfect spot/snow to try again as im likely to land on my head a few times….or everytime. I’ve landed Wildcats (I think thats what they are anyway)and backflips in the backcountry but never tried in the park, and tame dogs would be the only other flip I think I could ever land, Wish I could do a few more types but ive left it to long to ever get good at multiple rotations. Make sure you get your next efforts on film Andy! keen to see them!


You’ve landed Wildcats, nice! I’ve tried them but never landed them cause I find them a bit more dangerousso I stopped trying for now.
And your right Tame dogs are really hard to land if you don’t have the right jump/drop. I think they are about getting cumfortable with them first. Powder is good for safety when learning but really hard to get the pop you need. I tried about a million times into powder and only landed them when I took them into the park. The next flip I think possible for me is a Misty cause I have landed a flip (sketchy) that was half way between a tamedog and a misty. For that reason I think if you can Wildcat then you should totally try a rodeo cause it’s only an extra 180 degrees away. It’s good to have realistic goals but at the same time - never say never man.

CRACKERS - 25 June 2011 11:51 PM

Ok right, I didnt realise that. that is a good function. im fairly sure you could at least halve my youtube views on most vids as mates always watch it a few times.
How do you tell how many views you have for all your videos in total? does it tell you somewhere or do you have to go through and tally the views up from each vid manually?

Click on “Me” on the tab across the top and then on the drop down menu “My Statistics” you can choose week/month/year


I have a PLUS account. It may be different.

24 countries have loaded my vids in the last month.


Our preference has always been for Vimeo (both for watching and loading) because, as is mentioned above, the viewing quality is so much better. Youtube gets more hits, but if it’s just hits you want, you can always go to the trouble of loading into both.
Having said that, in the bodyboard world particularly , most ‘serious’ vids are going into youtube only, as that crew (in Oz anyway) much prefers clips there and looks specifically there for them.

Vimeo for viewing quality. Vimeo was originally set up with a focus to the video community, I’ve been using it for year now for various things, channels have come and gone.

Another bonus is the lack of stupid comments in Vimeo - definitely a more appreciative crowd and positive/constructive comments are much more the norm. the live-linking, music allownaces, lots o things are much better in Vimeo IMO. Like spaz, my Vimeo accounts are ‘plus’ which gets past a lot of uploading snags for what is comparatively a minimal cost for the time it saves and convenience.
Spaz - what’s your channel there mate?