The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Short Film Contest - discussion


Rider - just throwing this out there, but should/could there be some kind of stipulation in the comp about the winner actually being a user of the forums? I hope it doesn’t sound like sour grapes (cos I know dave’s gf and she’s nice!) but it felt like a bit of a bum that a semi-pro film maker (who has made dvds that people bought, has access to equipment like dolly’s etc) can sign up, post their vid, win the comp and never be seen again.

Dave’s film was the best one there for sure. Just wondering if anyone else had similar feelings?

cords - 23 June 2011 06:40 AM

Rider - just throwing this out there, but should/could there be some kind of stipulation in the comp about the winner actually being a user of the forums? I hope it doesn’t sound like sour grapes (cos I know dave’s gf and she’s nice!) but it felt like a bit of a bum that a semi-pro film maker (who has made dvds that people bought, has access to equipment like dolly’s etc) can sign up, post their vid, win the comp and never be seen again.

Dave’s film was the best one there for sure. Just wondering if anyone else had similar feelings?

Yes and No. He put effort into the film and posted it on the forum. But on the other hand, anyone who is making money from DVD sales should be excluded from this comp as they should not get bonuses from doing their job / something they had completed anyway.

I don’t see any “Who can hack Rider26’s Account wins a prize” Competition… Cause I would have that one in the bag!


Hey cords, I’ll get back to you on this tomorrow. smile

cords - 23 June 2011 06:40 AM

Rider - just throwing this out there, but should/could there be some kind of stipulation in the comp about the winner actually being a user of the forums? I hope it doesn’t sound like sour grapes (cos I know dave’s gf and she’s nice!) but it felt like a bit of a bum that a semi-pro film maker (who has made dvds that people bought, has access to equipment like dolly’s etc) can sign up, post their vid, win the comp and never be seen again.

Dave’s film was the best one there for sure. Just wondering if anyone else had similar feelings?

It’s a tough one for sure. We do whatever we can to ensure the winner sticks around on the forums. I always encourage winners to stay a part of it but it’s their call. We don’t want to exclude any potential members from entering if they want to.

One of the reasons we run these contests is to attract new people to the forums. Most of the people seeing the contests and promos are on our database or Facebook page, so they are a part of Boardworld in their own way.

Dave actually went on to work for us and we produced two videos together. While he wasn’t active on the forums, I feel we did some really positive work together after the contest (videos below). One thing we try to do is expose talented photographers and videographers, and essentially give them an opportunity to gain exposure and move forward with their career.

We added a few things this year like the inclusion of the Boardworld logo in the video and the runners-up prize, to make sure the video was produced for this contest and so we can reward someone who put in a lot of effort but maybe their production didn’t have the same equipment/budget. We certainly don’t want professional videographers entering the contest and we’re not trying to attract them. However this is a skills based contest and quality work is what we’re looking for.

Do you guys have any suggestions on how we can address this? I don’t want to exclude potential members from participating as I think it’s counter-productive.

I’m looking forward to hearing your suggestions. One thing we could do is make the video theme more specific, so filmers really have to think about the contest and do something specific for Boardworld.

cords, I’m going to make this its own thread so we can discuss it openly without taking the contest thread off topic. smile


Videos we produced with Dave after the contest.



Cords I feel the same way about all competitions as well. Sucks when we are actually around and being a part of the community to see someone with 1 or 2 posts win. But, unfortunately that is the luck of the draw.

I do like though that there is a second photography competition this year. There was so many pro’s entering last year that when I posted any photos they just went by unnoticed and it got to the point where I was saying to myself “Why even bother?”. So I guess this is a step in the right direction.

I know this will never happen, but maybe there should be a rule that you have to have earned your stripes before entering forum run competitions. By stripes I mean havng made 100 posts and got a boardworld tee. Obviously that would be for the forum only and not and facebook comps.

Ill jump down from my soap box now!



It’s the exact reason we do Facebook give-aways, sticker contests, trip report contest, best promotion of Boardworld, monthly member prizes, free t-shirts, and other promos on here (we’ve run quite a few on here over the last two seasons). We always want to reward our loyal members and we do our best to ensure contests are fair and everyone can get involved.

Gablor came up with a great idea for the most improved photographer contest. It’s a pretty decent prize pack and it’s there purely to encourage less experienced photographers to get involved. I believe the runner-up prize in the film contest is also an effort to reward less experiences film makers.

We’re giving away more than $20,000 in prizes on the forums this season and the film contest accounts for $2500. I think it’s important to have a level of quality for that contest and it encourages others to step up their game.

Beyond that I’m always open for suggestions on new contests we can hold here on the forums. Please share any ideas you have for other contests.


I like this reply.

It is saying that while anyone can win for doing the best job it also states that another prize is available for people who are constantly here and put a lot of effort into this.

So someone like Dave won last year and then there is another prize for someone like us who is here and giving it a good shot.

As long as sneeze wars… I mean Steeze Wars 2 doesn’t win lol.


yeeeew I love these comps!

Will the judging criteria make any distinction between difficulty of filming?

i.e. if your going to film something at home or on a set, it would need to be very good/high quality and very original to beat say a vid that is shot on the snow after a bighike/going down a massive decent in back country, which is obviously much more difficult to film well, to carry out and also much more difficult to achieve the same film look as something in a set.

now if you were to build a home and a set and hike it up to the top then ride a first decent in it…..that should win over all else.



I like Blizzard’s idea of having 100 posts as a minimum requirement for the big contests. well, maybe 50 would be ok. but you only have to get them before the end of the contest. So, the contest would attract people and they could submit, but they would need to stick around for the whole season posting to qualify for the prize. For $2500 in prizes that is little effort imo. Then, over the course of their 50 posts, there’s a good chance they would become a part of the BW community and end up staying longer. Think about it, 50 of their posts would generate 1500 replies from Mizu alone!


LOL ^^^^^ LOL



Gamblor!!!!! hmmm

It’s a tough one hey!!!!!

Maybe a second category for amateurs???? With lesser value of the prize kitty!!!!!

While I would’ve liked to have seen DCHILDS (???) participate on the forums more, it is not everyone’s <strike>cup</strike> can of <strike>tea</strike> Red Bull, so to <strike>speak</strike> post!!!!!

I fully agree with the high level of quality needed to not only attract new videographers, but also new members to the site!!!!!!

I can’t speak for everyone but I have a bit of FUN when makin a vid, and at the end of the day if everyone gets a laugh/slight enjoyment out of it, then we are all winners and grinners!!!!!

Shaka to the World!!!!!  shaka


agree with you jeremy. You want the best video that promotes boardworld. maybe the 2nd prize could be more like an amateur division prize? or just be a prize for the movie that had not necessarily the best production values but maybe the best feeling behind it? does that make sense?
Please don’t take my original post as a complaint, everyone in any way associated with bw has ample opportunities to win stuff.

cords - 25 June 2011 06:49 AM

agree with you jeremy. You want the best video that promotes boardworld. maybe the 2nd prize could be more like an amateur division prize? or just be a prize for the movie that had not necessarily the best production values but maybe the best feeling behind it? does that make sense?
Please don’t take my original post as a complaint, everyone in any way associated with bw has ample opportunities to win stuff.

Especially Sara it seems, shes been strutting around in her new goggles thinking she owns the joint!
I tried to convince her to give them to me, cause I already borrow her old pair, but no go!


oh well at least you can claim her old pair properly now! When do you reckon you can snowboard next?


maybe the 13th of august weekend