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Vancouver Riots 2011

fatima4u - 17 June 2011 05:44 AM

they def take there hockey seriously

Hurry up and get over there dude!!!!! They’ve got a KFC bailed up in the spree!!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 17 June 2011 05:47 AM
fatima4u - 17 June 2011 05:44 AM

they def take there hockey seriously

Hurry up and get over there dude!!!!! They’ve got a KFC bailed up in the spree!!!!!

dont tell the colonel i said this but there is so many better places then kfc in canada LOL


Wash your mouth out Osman!!!!!  big surprise How can you ever look at the bottom of another family bucket again????





LOL karma at its finest!


Deserved it.  Wish they did what they do in Europe for these riots and spray the crowd with dye so you can recognize all the idiots that decided to be involved for weeks after.

At least parents are turning there kids in now.

Better Recognize!


hahahahahaha better recognize LOL

snowdragon - 19 June 2011 11:52 PM

hahahahaha the dude laugh cracked me up!!!


So a pro mountain biker is one of the first major athletes from around here that have been outed by photos of them rioting.

Do you think there sponsors should drop em like there hot or is everyone over reacting?

Me personally I think anyone that was close enough to get as dirty as this guy deserves everything thats coming to him.


If he was just a bystander then he could’ve been forgiven!!!!!

It’s pretty obvious by the state of his jeans and the Idiotic look on his face, that he played a role in the stupidity!!!!!

Yeah he deserves all that he has comin!!!!!

Fo Real!!!!!!  shaka


idiot… i had a mate who was there for the hockey game. said it was insane when they were rioting, he was standing back just watching it all unfold.


Deserves what’s coming. Look at the photo; he’s posing for a camera. What an idiot!

A junior water polo player was also caught stuffing a burning rag into a police car.

darb - 21 June 2011 03:30 PM

So a pro mountain biker is one of the first major athletes from around here that have been outed by photos of them rioting.

Do you think there sponsors should drop em like there hot or is everyone over reacting?

Me personally I think anyone that was close enough to get as dirty as this guy deserves everything thats coming to him.

I’d drop him like a bad habit, what a maroon!

snowdragon - 22 June 2011 01:41 AM
darb - 21 June 2011 03:30 PM

So a pro mountain biker is one of the first major athletes from around here that have been outed by photos of them rioting.

Do you think there sponsors should drop em like there hot or is everyone over reacting?

Me personally I think anyone that was close enough to get as dirty as this guy deserves everything thats coming to him.

I’d drop him like a bad habit, what a maroon!

I didn’t know that he was a Queenslander!!!!!  big surprise