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thieving Mongrels


I HATE YOU ALL!!!! (the mongrels not you guys)

so friday at perisher came back to find my ute and my sister’s outback had been targeted by some lowlife scum. all my straps were stolen off the back of the ute that i use for tying on my work gear, ladders etc plus snow chains stolen (in spring?)

on my sisters car one of the crew had left their sodden gloves pinned under the tail gate, so these same freaks prized it open and took them….to top it off when they did it left the boot ajar so that the boot light came on running the battery totally flat leaving us waiting there til nearly 7 for the NRMA to arrive.

i’m just left amazed at the lowness of some people’s moral compass and how much you really have to watch your gear and what you dont lock up WILL be stolen no matter how unattractive it may seem.


No respect.
Sorry this happened to you.
Any chance you could find who they are?
Perhaps that parking area has been hit a couple times recently?


do they have a snow cam down there? that would be sick if you could hunt them by using that


Dude, that absolutely sux! sorry to hear. If only there was a way of busting them


Brutal mate, makes you want to set up a sting op. and F*&^ the Bas&#^# up.  Hope you can catch them and give em whats comming. 

I know what your going through.  A few years back I was hauling my sister in laws wedding gifts from the reception to the gift opening and got hit while picking up a few last minute things needed for the party.  they got away clean with abunch of wrapped gifts, all my camera gear, ID and a few misc things I kept.


Getting robbed really does suck. My house got done over 2 years ago. We caught them…them being the neighbours :(. Hope you can track them down


damn man, it sucks to hear these things happening to you guys.  I just saw on the news a few days ago about this invisible paste thing they are selling now that you can put on your stuff so it can be easily identified.  Its got these strands of unique DNA type stuff in it so police can identify it and glows with uv light.  Unfortunately a single application bottle costs about $150 NZD.

Now if there was only someway you could produce your own liquid paste thing that contains DNA and glows with UV light….  hmmm


Farken arsseholes.  I know how you feel, there was a rash of thefts from the carpark at the beach I used to surf at, quite a number of us got done over by some junkies just after a quick score, they were from the western suburbs and used to make the drive across town for that purpose alone.  Not much fun coming back to your car to find the window smashed and everything gone.  A few of us were at the point where we were going to lie in wait in the back of a van with the car behind baited with some valuables in plain sight.  Never ended up happening as they got caught b4 we put the plan into action.  Nothing got recovered really as it had all been flogged to other lowlifes.


Sorry to hear it mate. Some people are just scum, plain and simple.

Slightly off topic… my mates house was broken into a couple of weeks ago. They took all the TVs, laptops, his mothers jewelery. It amazes me how someone can break into someones property and take what doesn’t belong to them.

Don’t worry Banger, karma will come back to bite them.


Rider, desperation drives many to do unthinkable things. Im a very strong believer in karma too so dont worry, what goes around comes around.

rider26 - 17 September 2009 09:18 PM

Sorry to hear it mate. Some people are just scum, plain and simple.

Slightly off topic… my mates house was broken into a couple of weeks ago. They took all the TVs, laptops, his mothers jewelery. It amazes me how someone can break into someones property and take what doesn’t belong to them.

Don’t worry Banger, karma will come back to bite them.

maybe it’s karma for us for not coming to shred with you at thredders…. how was it?


I am a huge believer of KARMA

people who do that kinda shit will eventually on some level have it come back and get em.
Take is as a grain on salt, move on and let life take its toll.

people like that will get whats coming to them, every last one of them..muahahaha!

golfpunklegend - 17 September 2009 10:55 PM

Rider, desperation drives many to do unthinkable things. Im a very strong believer in karma too so dont worry, what goes around comes around.

Obviously not desperate enough to get a job…  mad

Banger - 18 September 2009 09:07 AM
rider26 - 17 September 2009 09:18 PM

Sorry to hear it mate. Some people are just scum, plain and simple.

Slightly off topic… my mates house was broken into a couple of weeks ago. They took all the TVs, laptops, his mothers jewelery. It amazes me how someone can break into someones property and take what doesn’t belong to them.

Don’t worry Banger, karma will come back to bite them.

maybe it’s karma for us for not coming to shred with you at thredders…. how was it?

Yeah Banger, it was good. Warm, slushy, wet… but good fun with my girlfriend, sister, her fiancee, and a buddy. You got the tickets alright?

rider26 - 19 September 2009 05:36 PM
Banger - 18 September 2009 09:07 AM
rider26 - 17 September 2009 09:18 PM

Sorry to hear it mate. Some people are just scum, plain and simple.

Slightly off topic… my mates house was broken into a couple of weeks ago. They took all the TVs, laptops, his mothers jewelery. It amazes me how someone can break into someones property and take what doesn’t belong to them.

Don’t worry Banger, karma will come back to bite them.

maybe it’s karma for us for not coming to shred with you at thredders…. how was it?

Yeah Banger, it was good. Warm, slushy, wet… but good fun with my girlfriend, sister, her fiancee, and a buddy. You got the tickets alright?

perisher was the same. we had the best day sunday running leichardt park till last lifts, so fun! my cousin was doing backflips and his bro hitting the rails hard…spaz’s cam got a real good workout. funtimes for sure