The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive




Just an idea!!!!!!

We come up with a word or an action that when done, gets penalized with the offender havin to complete a task!!!!!!

This will be throughout the entirety of the Shred, and can take place anywhere and at anytime!!!!!

I thought that we can use this thread for ideas to come up with, and then I’ll start a poll so we can vote for the OFFICIAL GAME THEME!!!!!

All in????


Yeah mate i’m in i’ll start thinking


like if you say mine, you have to do 10 push-ups??  i think alot of people have played that game.

we should make one similar?


That’s exactly the concept I’m after rick!!!!

Just with a Boardworld twist!!!! evil


hahah ban from using display names - as everyone probably more use to them than the actual names - and have to do ten push-ups

And we also should a bit of ‘In your Face’ - except i’m a newbie and yet to learn any tricks :(

Rick0889 - 17 June 2011 10:45 PM

like if you say mine, you have to do 10 push-ups??  i think alot of people have played that game.

we should make one similar?

Hahahahahahaha i hated that game cause i sucked at it so much, the guys at work took it way outta hand….. No matter where you were you had to do it, start up meeting, canteen and even if one of the boy’s were driving said it he had to stop the car and get out and do it…..  LOL


Or another one is SIX FISH…..
Where if someone farted, someone would say six fish and the person that farted had to say six fish while who eva was around would punch the living shit outta ya, until you said six fish….......  evil  Also hated that game!!!!


An idea for this idea…... No pointing rule, If you get caught pointing.. BAM!!!! 10 of your best baby!!!! Push-ups that is smile


i like the boardworld user names one, that would destroy me because i will be saying user names and i cant remember names at all :(

Rick0889 - 18 June 2011 10:38 AM

i like the boardworld user names one, that would destroy me because i will be saying user names and i cant remember names at all :(

yea, and to make things trickier we should all wear tags with out display names on them (part of the reason is cause i haven’t really met anyone apart from Rider and Cj Parker)


Every one knows me as spaz, I would feel weird being called Sebastian.

‘Game of life’ (the mine game) is a regular we play in Thredbo, have to do it where you stand - copped it a few times in a crowded lift line and on the soggy, cold carpet of our locker room. It helped keep me fit and refocus how I viewed my belongings.


yeah we played that game at the snow for the past 3 seasons i think, such a good game but we should def make one for the shred.

what does everyone think about the user names?


I think I will stick to calling everyone Mate or Dude then…

And we will have our Display names on the back of our hoodies which will make it heaps worse.


What if we use alternatives then????

Like callin tjswish, TJ or the swish meister???? Or will it apply to any form of the name????

Princess Mizu - 20 June 2011 12:25 AM

What if we use alternatives then????

Like callin tjswish, TJ or the swish meister???? Or will it apply to any form of the name????

Are you sayin you just want to be called “Princess” then?




I think ppl are safe round me. Cant see myself being called K2_SnatchCrewSader LOL