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Im new to photography , I started probably some months ago so any advice would be apreciated.
#1: it’s a bit tight. Take a step or two back and don’t cut the box at the bottom. The skater doesn’t seem too sharp too.
#2: use another flash or 2 to make the rider pop. He’s wearing all black and you’re shooting at night so ups the difficulty straight off. Get a flash behind him as a rim light to separate him from the background.
Thanks first of all.
In #1 What U mean with sharp?
#2 I’ll try the flash next time , I tried to convince him to wear something that’s not black but If you see his wardobre… Haha
Thank you Again.
sharp as in crisp
Hi I’m new to this site and came across this thread. I know its not a board but i thought i would post it until i find a couple of skate pics i took.
I’m not really sure how to post pics so hopefully it works out.
I would love to make a living from sports photography so any advice is appreciated
sick shot…love the darkness running across from left to right in the quarters in the background…it really adds something
Hi Dard
You ask for some good advice on your image of a skaters in motion/action. Its has got great subject matter with good back drop of seasonal mood. The draw backs are cropping and a fore ground of empty space. With better cropping e.g. right edge of the landscape should of crop out the car in the back ground. Now you can used the subject in a portrait style. Placing the skater a 1/3 to the right side of the images allow for 2/3 showing the direction the skater will travel in. This allow to crop out the power line also. Crop the bottom at the bottom of the 1/4 pipe and about a foot above his hand at the top of the image.
not sure what you’re talking about johno
im going to assume he is referring to the first page of the thread…
Deanobruce is correct. I was referring to the Hussy version on the first page. If you could get rid of the arm shadow across his face also, this might bring more attending to the subject.
ah right, the “Hussy” shot. Thanks for the crit!
Yeah, I agree, the shadow on the face is unfortunate. Since it was shot on film, I didn’t know how it would turn out til 2 weeks later when I had it developped. He did keep his arm down in the digital shot so all was not lost.
That car may have been passing by as I took the shot, but I can’t say for sure. Didn’t even notice it til you pointed it out. Same with the power lines. Good eye.
As for cropping, if I did, I would lose the nice hasselblad border Not sure if you were recommending on losing the 6x6 aspect ratio, but I would rather throw the film away than crop a medium format shot. You do your cropping with your feet with a Hassy.
I haven’t been taking many photos lately but I did manage to take a few on the weekend at Bondi Skatepark. This photo is unedited so you can see exactly what I captured. I quite like the photo; I think my timing was pretty good and I like the angle (tried to get down pretty low to capture it). Any and all feedback and criticisms are welcome. And I know my horizon is a little bit off.
Love the shot mate, but I think that the colours are a little “dull”???? Dunno what can be done there as I am an am at this gig!!!!!
And maybe croppin the light post and a little bit of the ground???? (I am the crop king, as well as the post king!!!!!)
Croppin the post out will also save ya fro Gamblor noticin that it isn’t in line with the horizon!!!!!
Yeah I would definitely work with the brightness, contrast, and colours in Photoshop. I’m sure I would crop it too. Just wanted to get an unedited version up first.
This is after a very quick play in Photoshop. Still haven’t fixed the horizon or cropped though.
The background looks better to me now, but the rider is still a bit dark IMO!!!!!
Do you think so????