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Locking up your gear?

AJ2theC - 12 June 2011 12:05 AM

The less crap I have to carry the better, so no way I’m going to lug around a lock and cable.  That said, yes, well aware of how many boards go missing each year. My solution is to not let it out of my sight; my board always go where I do, or up against the window at a minimum.

Those Burton locks weigh like 100g if that - You wouldn’t even know you were carrying it. Have used those retractable cable style locks for years and they work a treat. They won’t stop a pair of bolt cutters but given the choice of a locked board v. an unlocked board its obvious which one a thief would go for.

You’re doing well if you never let a board out of your sight - what if you needed to take a sh1t? grin


I’ve only been boarding in Japan and this season will be the first time on Australian snow. Obviously Japan is ridiculously safe and theft is pretty much unheard of.

Is thieving really that big a problem in Australia? My gears not worth bulk coin so not too paranoid, but would hate to lose it.

What about a poll? Would be interesting to see how many people have had stuff nicked from Australian fields…


Good to see ya still lurkin around the place kort!!!!

What ya been up to????

Oh yeah, I might be the exception but I am nearly always ridin with other peeps, so if I have to take a dump there’s a board watcher on hand!!!!


I have always used a lock. And the one time I didn’t… I got my board stolen :(
It was my first board and I loved it.
People that take boards should be put in the jail with the most large rapists as possible.

On the upside, my girlfriend also got her board stolen last season in Perisher and a month later she found the stupid girl riding it!
So after a trip to the cop shop we got her board back :D


should have followed the b*#ch on the slopes then pushed her off a steep embankment

antisense - 16 June 2011 10:53 AM

I’ve only been boarding in Japan and this season will be the first time on Australian snow. Obviously Japan is ridiculously safe and theft is pretty much unheard of.

Is thieving really that big a problem in Australia? My gears not worth bulk coin so not too paranoid, but would hate to lose it.

What about a poll? Would be interesting to see how many people have had stuff nicked from Australian fields…

I’ve never lost a board, but I’m always ridiculously paranoid whenever I leave it outside a lodge- I always put it somewhere where I can see it trough a window or Idon’t stay inside for long


I have a Burton cable lock but I haven’t used it in years. Common sense tells me to take it with me but I hate having anything unnecessary in my pocket. Most my boards get pretty banged up anyway so I always think a thief will steal a newer looking board. So far I haven’t had anything stolen although I will be very annoyed when it does eventually happen.


Never lost anything on the mountain but I always at least lock my binding through the ski rack. That way if someone tries to take it, they pull the board and it gets stuck, its obvious to everyone around that it isn’t their board…

Seriously though it would be so easy for a thief to make a living just rocking up, going inside the main restaurant at lunch and walking off with a brand new burton board each day or 2, you can kind of see why people do it. (not that I ever would)

I think I will get a lock this year, not worth the risk on a $500 board compared to some of my old ones.


If your riding in Australia then get a lock peeps. It makes me sad to say it but we are a less honest country than Japan or Canada.
I have some friends that found some guys with a van full of stolen boards in Jindabyne. Apparently the brought them to the police after they were done “expressing their feelings about board theft” smile


I never used locks until a couple of seasons back when a mate of mine had theirs stolen at Buller.
Now I always lock my board up wherever I go.
I tend not to notice my lock at all as its incorporated into my board leash..


One year we had a guy repeatedly stealing boards (making a living from it) a few of the local boy rounded him up one night and drove him 5 km up the road, stripped him to his undies and sneakers and left him there with a warning to never show his face again in town.

The worst times for theft is at the start of the season when people are desperate to raise funds for a season pass and the last few weeks when people take home what isn’t their’s after working at a resort.

I may only use my lock 3 or 4 times a season but I take it with me everyday. Same goes for my tool to adjust my binding, they both live in the same pocket.


my tool always gets carried every single day. its either in my backpack if i wear it, or a pocket on my chest. learnt my lesson about carrying hard things in the ockets on the front/side of my pants. when you land on that part of your body on a rail/blox/ice its hell, smashed 3 phone screens doing that before i woke up to myself and put themj in my chest pocket


One thing I always carry is a tool. The best for carrying in your pocket is the Burton Zip Tool. It’s super small, flat, and not hard. The double sided (two sizes) phillips head is magnetic and pulls out for storage in the actual tool. You can’t even feel it in your pocket.


I just wear my 686 tool belt!!!!! Not that I adjust anythin anyway!!!!! Just use it for tightening up things if needed!!!!! Plus the FLUX’s are tooless adjustments!!!!


Nice, we used to sell those at the shop.