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Snowboard Academy

blizzard_22 - 16 June 2011 02:22 AM
Billy - 15 June 2011 12:46 PM

Hahaha I am so getting this. Awesome!!! billy
I used to have a bedazzler too as a kid… That thing was the shiznit! Maybe I can bedazzle stud press everyone’s BW hoodies? ‘Teacher Boy’ written in diamontes, whad’ya reckon?! wink cool grin

Do you want a copy of the movie?

Yeah! That’d be awesome!

Billy - 16 June 2011 03:17 AM
blizzard_22 - 16 June 2011 02:22 AM
Billy - 15 June 2011 12:46 PM

Hahaha I am so getting this. Awesome!!! billy
I used to have a bedazzler too as a kid… That thing was the shiznit! Maybe I can bedazzle stud press everyone’s BW hoodies? ‘Teacher Boy’ written in diamontes, whad’ya reckon?! wink cool grin

Do you want a copy of the movie?

Yeah! That’d be awesome!

While ya at it blizz!!!!!!  cheese


Alright I shall get a couple done for ya’s, I’ll PM when done!



