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hi there, new to the forums and wanting some answers to some questions. first off i have been to the snow before during school trips etc. but this will be the first time helping organise for a personal trip with a group of mates.
we are wanting to go over for the 2012 season and get in early to cut costs. we want to stay on the mountain at hotham during the ‘off’ season just for a bit of saving. driving up and down the mountain from bright everyday was okay but we want more of an experience next year.
now we have sort of worked out some costs of accomodation for 7 days, but are wondering.
which would be the best season? early or late?
what sort of options do we have for accomdation? we were thinking units or rooms with just some people in each but if there are any cheaper options can you let us know.
gear hire? some of us will be buying and some hiring, so what sorta costs are we looking at for 7 days or hire?
lift passes? what sorta prices for 7 day passes?
anything else we should know? we are going to convoy and drive over any unsuspected fees (parking etc) in doing that? if i have any more questions no doubt ill ask thanks in advance
First up, welcome to Boardworld $heepy!!!!!
Choosin to stay on mountain is a decision that ya won’t regret!!!!
Always look for early bird deals around feb/march, and while some might disagree with me, I would always look at goin in september as a value season option!!!!
Not only are the crowds thinner, but you’ll find that the snow base is better than early season due to the peak snow fall accumulations!!!!!
I would aim at apartment or large house/chalet style accommodation, especially with a large group!!!!!
If you guys are rowdy then the house will be the best option as you guys can enjoy yaselves without havin the drama of pissed of neighbors!!!!
Sometimes lifts/lessons/hire gear can be incorporated into the deal to give a discounted rate!!!! (Mainly found via the resort bookin office)
Sometimes hire gear can be cheaper to get closer to home, but ya will have to haul it up with ya!!!!
Check the Hotham website for lift/parkin/accom so ya can get a rough idea of the costs!!!!
Jot down a few scenarios on paper, and always over budget so when it works out cheaper than planned, the bonus can be spent on extra beer!!!!!!
Oh yeah, be prepared to hand over a security bond or credit card for some places!!!! Especially if you guys are young!!!!
Welcome $heepy!
Everything Mizu has stated is a great start for you. For on mountain costs including entry/parking and even hire get onto hothams website
I also recommend staying on mountain if you can afford it. You will regret having to drive down off the mountain at the end of each day, especially if you sit down for a beer after your last run….you will want to stay and keep drinking and not drive down the hill.
But if you were determined on saying off the mountain there is a caravan park in Harrietville at the bottom of the mountain that has some cheap but nice cabins. Bright is a bit further away but could also get some cheap accom there.
But like I said, if you can stay on mountain, DO IT! With a bunch of mates Hotham is a great place to party after boarding for the day
another quick question, whats the snow like at the end of august start of sep? we can get a couple of hundred bucks off everything if we go then…
Always better conditions late Aug early sept, as compared to late July!!!!!
You should have a good base still from the early/mid august dumps!!!!!
That’s the theory anyway!!!!! And one that I ALWAYS go by when pre-bookin snow accommodation!!!!!
The crowds are sometimes a lot thinner too, as most people have peaked early and spent their budget in July/August!!!!!
^ That period would be a safe bet.
Check out the Arlberg in Hotham for probably one of the cheapest on snow accommodations.
Or Dinner plains if you don’t mind catching a short 10 min bus ride each morning arvo (still on the mountain but more private.)
Call Mt Hotham reservations and they can sort something cheap for ya . The good thing about Mt Hotham is that 90% of places are booked through the actual resort… so there isn’t too much searching around.