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Scooters in the Skatepark: We Ask the Pros

rider26 - 15 June 2011 03:23 AM

It sure was.  raspberry



scooter riders r gay!!!

fatima4u - 15 June 2011 04:31 AM

scooter riders r gay!!!

Why do ya ride one then???? Ohhhh…..... I see!!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 15 June 2011 04:32 AM
fatima4u - 15 June 2011 04:31 AM

scooter riders r gay!!!

Why do ya ride one then???? Ohhhh…..... I see!!!!!

thats not even a joke u would never see me on 1 of them

fatima4u - 15 June 2011 04:37 AM
Mizu Kuma - 15 June 2011 04:32 AM
fatima4u - 15 June 2011 04:31 AM

scooter riders r gay!!!

Why do ya ride one then???? Ohhhh…..... I see!!!!!

thats not even a joke u would never see me on 1 of them

Fair enough mate!!!!! You’d need 2 just to hold your bulk!!!!!


“Warning-this product moves when used”. Sums up what they’re expecting from their intended market. Like a few before me have said, scooter riders who wait their turn, don’t hang their front wheels over the coping while you skate and practise basic looking left and right before taking a run don’t bother me. That having been said, a 20:1 scooter:skate ratio at parks can be very annoying, especially when the kids riding them are often too young to possess basic motor skills and observation. I’ve had experiences at skateparks when the typical “I’ll sue you” parents have yelled at me for running into their oblivious child. The solution it seems, would be for scooters to build their own purpose-built parks, as I have not yet seen evidence of scooter riders putting anything back into the hard work of skaters who lobby for, build and maintain their spots.


Bob Burnquist is Super Cool!


Yeah, what he said ^^^^^^

Azz - 15 June 2011 05:01 AM

Yeah, what he said ^^^^^^

Only other skater I prefer is Rodney Mullen. That guy knows his shit!

Rodney Mullen>Bob Burnquist>>>> Other Pro Skaters >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Most other skaters>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Me


daewon song dopest skater on earth, super tech to the max


Esky lid kids getting in the way, mizu? Yes they do, but so do a heap of show pony surfers who know nothing, or are arrogant and snake/drop in. Yes esky lid kids get in the way but there are just as many idiot stand up surfers. Just so we have equality, here.

i agree with rider’s point on the scooters, but I’m just not sure what can really be done about it. My niece and nephew (6 and 7 and 1/2) are two of those scooter kids but my brother makes sure he looks after them and keeps them aware of the other people in the park.
Same kinda thing with teachers at school. If the parents are ignorant, there is only so much you can do…

Mizu Kuma - 15 June 2011 01:59 AM

People get the shits with Esky Lidders and Goat Boaters in the surf too, but if they were ridin boards they would STILL be another number in the water!!!!!

I was tryin to make that point cords!!!!! That’s why I used the word “People” and the names that they refer Body Boarders and Wave Skiers by!!!!!  hmmm

Sukah - 15 June 2011 05:29 AM

daewon song dopest skater on earth, super tech to the max

I saw him in a vid with mini ramps, amazing stuff. Cheese and Crackers maybe?


Moving this to Skateparks and Spots.


Had to jump ahead without reading all the posts.

And hijack this with a snow analogy;
My 7yo daughter skis very well and on the hardest runs, she often enters trails without checking uphill. We get early lifts when we can, when the locals are putting in high speed runs, if she gets taken out by someone doing +80kmh IT’S MY FALT - accepted (never happend b/c I take huge precautions).

I’ve taken out people doing the wrong thing, kids, girls etc. Often it’s instructors and parents putting kids in a dangerous situation. It pisses me off and I let the responsible party know - I’m a gentle guy but this really gets my goat!

If a kid cops a skatey in the head that’s just too bad (and the reason for helmets) even if it was jettisoned at them - they obviously had pissed the dude off and the dad deserves 2 skateys in the head (no helmet) for being a tool and letting their kid in a park in the first place.

(I wanted to say… “for buying their kid a scooter in the first place” LOL - but I let my girl have a scooter, she’s now obsessed with skateboards! grin