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Scooters in the Skatepark: We Ask the Pros

Mizu Kuma - 15 June 2011 02:23 AM
deanobruce - 15 June 2011 02:20 AM

well at the one near me there is a big sign next to the entry gate, you literally cant not look at it before you enter, explaining rules.

How many Signs did you read as a 10 year old deano????

Damn sure that I didn’t pay attention to any!!!!! Hell, ya lucky to get me to read em now!!!!!

haha true true, but in saying that, i have no sympathy for a kid who gets cleaned up if they dont read the rules,

i learnt real quick when i started surfing when i was young what to do in regards to not dropping in, snaking etc.

after they get run over/hit once im sure they wont do the same stupid stuff again(etiqeutte etc.)

Warren Chapstick - 15 June 2011 02:29 AM

Hahahahahahaha LOL

Yeah all over ya back ya cave man…...

Go and grow a Mo!!!!!! Or at least try to, Puberty Boy!!!!!

deanobruce - 15 June 2011 02:30 AM
Mizu Kuma - 15 June 2011 02:23 AM
deanobruce - 15 June 2011 02:20 AM

well at the one near me there is a big sign next to the entry gate, you literally cant not look at it before you enter, explaining rules.

How many Signs did you read as a 10 year old deano????

Damn sure that I didn’t pay attention to any!!!!! Hell, ya lucky to get me to read em now!!!!!

haha true true, but in saying that, i have no sympathy for a kid who gets cleaned up if they dont read the rules,

i learnt real quick when i started surfing when i was young what to do in regards to not dropping in, snaking etc.

after they get run over/hit once im sure they wont do the same stupid stuff again(etiqeutte etc.)

And that is how we all learnt!!!!! So let the little scooter kids learn, I say!!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 15 June 2011 02:31 AM
Warren Chapstick - 15 June 2011 02:29 AM

Hahahahahahaha LOL

Yeah all over ya back ya cave man…...

Go and grow a Mo!!!!!! Or at least try to, Puberty Boy!!!!!

It’s working mad

Give it time…......


the problem i see is though that these lil scooter kids have dads watching them, when their kid gets run over im sure they are going to take it up with who ever run them over and it could get ugly from there…not all timesbut im sure there are some dads out there who are prone to blow up at small things.

but i dont skate so it doesnt affect me…


I think most of the responsibility should rest with the parents. They are putting their kids at risk when they idly stand by and watch their kids snake skaters with no regard. Skaters get annoyed because they know it’s dangerous and they don’t want to hurt a little kid.

Parents putting kids on skis; they send the kids to ski school to learn how to ski safely. They learn skills, they learn the dangers, they get familiar with the territory. As instructors, when we teach kids how to ride terrain parks, the first thing we teach them is the rules and how to keep themselves safe in there. I don’t see parents throwing a 6 year old on skis for the first time and just send them up a chairlift by themselves. So why do it at the skatepark? Take the time to teach the kids about the skatepark and make sure they understand the dangers.

Maybe brands like Razor should take some responsibility. Make the effort to educate kids on how to keep safe on their products. Be like Burton; put on clinics to make sure your sport can be enjoyed safely. Truth be told, scooters in skateparks are a problem and it should be addressed by local councils, parents, and scooter companies.

Just my opinion.


We don’t do this in the surf!!!!! The Surf Schools take their students to crowded breaks!!!!! I’ve seen ski schools take students to places where they can interfere with more experienced riders!!!!!

And even with all of the snow schools we still get people that go beyond their ability and risk harm to others!!!!!

It is just the nature of a human to do first and then read the instructions once it all goes wrong!!!!! We have all done it somehow, and these kids on scooters are just doin the same thing!!!!!

The best way to avoid problems, is to go to places or pick times when these kids won’t be so prolific!!!!! Or have an understanding and approach the kids and teach them park etiquette yaself!!!!


The age old argument…....


Great skill
Lack of speed
Lack of skill


and everything in between.

It will always be there, it’ll never go away, give up discussing it.

When your on the hill, in the surf, at the skatepark take the time to talk to the grommets (young and old) teach them the ways, through education we shall reach utopia.



But to some extent the surf and the mountains are patrolled and the rules enforced. In the surf we have safe zones that surfers (fiberglass/epoxy boards) can’t enter. We also have lifeguards patrolling the beach and pulling recreational swimmers our of surf zones and dangerous areas. Most mountains have safety patrol and slow zones and I know I’ve been cautioned before.

You wouldn’t send your kids out in the surf till they know how to swim. You wouldn’t send your kids into a terrain park without taking a skiing or snowboarding lesson. Yes, it does happen everywhere but it seems to me that it’s happening in much bigger numbers in the skateparks. I can certainly understand the frustration with having that many kids zipping through skateparks with no regard for their own safety. Let’s not forget that scooters are actually banned in most skateparks by the Council. So why aren’t they enforcing the rules?

Azz - 15 June 2011 02:51 AM

It will always be there, it’ll never go away, give up discussing it.

When your on the hill, in the surf, at the skatepark take the time to talk to the grommets (young and old) teach them the ways, through education we shall reach utopia.


Dad has spoken!!!!!


rider26 - 15 June 2011 02:56 AM

Most mountains have safety patrol and slow zones and I know I’ve been cautioned before.

You naughty boy!!!!! You know the rules!!!!! You should have your pass revoked!!!!!  raspberry

Mizu Kuma - 15 June 2011 03:01 AM
rider26 - 15 June 2011 02:56 AM

Most mountains have safety patrol and slow zones and I know I’ve been cautioned before.

You naughty boy!!!!! You know the rules!!!!! You should have your pass revoked!!!!!  raspberry

Maybe there was an old school skier watchin ya at that moment, sayin to one of their mates how snowboarders should be banned because they can’t abide by the rules????  cool hmm


True but if they thought I was a real danger or if he caught me breaking the rules again, he has the authority to pull my pass and ban me from the mountain - and it does happen! At least he was there to point out my mistake and make me think twice before doing it again.

rider26 - 15 June 2011 03:09 AM

True but if they thought I was a real danger or if he caught me breaking the rules again, he has the authority to pull my pass and ban me from the mountain - and it does happen! At least he was there to point out my mistake and make me think twice before doing it again.

So I take it that that was the last time that ya have broken the rules then????  cool hmm


It sure was.  raspberry