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mac or pc

Poll: mac or pc?
Total Votes: 37

i have a mac and i have right click…not sure where you get that one from? old macs maybe?

i have a pc too, if i power them both on at the same time…i can be on the mac posting on here, video editing and listening to tunes before the PC has even reached the windows loading screen.
i too enjoyed the “cheap” pc software and relative low cost of building a pc….however. i ‘built’ my mac, choosing the hdd, video card specs, ram etc. it’s quiet, fast, takes up less room, does not leave me at the will of Mr Gates. true there are some things that turned me off..but after you get used to the workflow of mac, you wont go back.


Ahhh crap. I have a PC but i think i accidentally voted Mac…. tired as after school… blehhh

Banger - 09 September 2009 09:26 PM

i have a mac and i have right click…not sure where you get that one from? old macs maybe?

i have a pc too, if i power them both on at the same time…i can be on the mac posting on here, video editing and listening to tunes before the PC has even reached the windows loading screen.
i too enjoyed the “cheap” pc software and relative low cost of building a pc….however. i ‘built’ my mac, choosing the hdd, video card specs, ram etc. it’s quiet, fast, takes up less room, does not leave me at the will of Mr Gates. true there are some things that turned me off..but after you get used to the workflow of mac, you wont go back.

Built your Mac?  You mean build as in the same way you “build” your dell with an options tickbox list?  The day you can go into a store and pick up a chassis, motherboard, hdd, disc drive, and whatever other boards and features you want, dl an operating system and away you go I might consider a Mac.  Until that time you’re at the mercy of Mr Jobs who seems to be a tad more creative or less philanthropic than Mr Gates when it comes to customer retention planning as Mac is about as proprietary as you can get, tying you into buying Mac everything for ever after.  PC has the loads of shareware and freeware that will do just about anything you want, even your regular software is available for free if you know where to look.  Adobe PS and Final Cut Pro can be found and dled for nothing, add in the fact that I can buy a 500gb external drive for $100 and I’m struggling to see why you would want a Mac for anything other.  I think Mac has exploited a counter culture popularity niche market very successfully.  If your after a PC that behaves like a Mac in look and feel there are several Linux based OS that can be used.

Sorry if that comes off a little harsh, the holier than though attitude of Mac and some select users I have come across annoys me.  I kinda feel like punching the guy on the Mac ads in the face.  Maybe I should just go back to talking about snowboarding???????


Mac indeed is almost all proprietary.
But anyone can use an external, HD.

I am ma mca user, and I like them.
I dont use them for all the fancy video software and video editing and web building stuff - but my wife does.
What I use a computer for I dont need a mac, but I like it. I like it’s simplicity, and I like that I dont have to build it.
I have upgraded memory and HD space, though on my iMac and my MacBook both. I have been using them for about 10 years and it was a very simple switch. Things are organized on a Mac simply. I like that I dont have hardly any virus problems, and I can count on one hand in 10 years the number of times my system has ‘crashed’.
I use a PC all day long at work, a Dell. I end up calling Tech Support about once a month to fix something. Just did yesterday, and once last week as well.

I try not to have the attitude, but I have seen it. I used to pick on my father-in-law a bot about it, he’s PC all the way.
I know I dont use a Mac for what it is good at, and I dont need one for the little things I do. (Well, I do like Garage Band).
We will probably always be a Mac family as my wife need it for her graphic design and web pages she does for people.


the pc i own is a self built unit from scratch. custom tower, motherboard, video cards, ram, hdd the works. i sourced parts from all over to build something capable of very high resource using video editing applications…it worked great, but then gradually the system slowed down…without putting more money into it, it was driving me nuts to have to constantly upgrade to keep up to date.
i’m not into gaming on computers…thats what xbox 360 is for, so the mac right out of my preselected box…does absoluteley everything i wanted it for, faster, cleaner, better than my super spec pc could ever do.
most of my software IS free, you can still get mac versions of stuff the same as you could on pc. heaps of people build freeware for them. you just have to know where to look.


peoples main argument for getting a mac is that they are faster and dont get viruses but the thing is you really must be a retard to get viruses. i use AVG free which is free virus protection that updates everyday for every new virus so the only way i can get a virus is if i download a file that says something like   onlinepoker.exe   then your in trouble. also pc’s are good as if theres something like a graphics card that you want maybe a newer one to play something or watch something better a pc can just be oppened and built up and same with pc laptops but if you look at a mac they are built to look all acrylic and shiny and white and no way to open them up and you cant buy things for them.

here are the facts

MAC: look sick are sick if you have money go for it and also great for retards and old people.

PC: is like jesus of the computing world.    my pc laptop looks exactly like a mac EXAAAACTLY im running a OSX9 theme thats only 30m

See how stupid mac really is haha


Platform debates belong on Oxford Street.

Tools do not make a craftsman. Why limit yourself to one. I use both at home…Mac for my Protools and CS, because they DO run faster and smoother and a PC for the interwebs. I chose not to connect my Apple G5 to the internet (except for updates) to ensure it stays solid for recordings and renderings.

The biggest limitation for the PC world is Windows itself.


I’m a mac user, we’ve always had one in my house along with a pc. Given the pc is kind of old and abandoned which is why I dislike it but I use them at school and its so much more comfortable using my macbook. They are more expensive but I think its worth it, it does what I need but I understand why others have no need for the things mac provides. I have friends who say I wasted my money and how much they hate apple, when they spent maybe 1 or 200 dollars less on their laptops than I did on my macbook, I got it off ebay brand new a few days after it was released for $1800 rather then $2099. It irritates me though how many people hate on mac without ever having used it, and that apple sucks when a minute later they’re all on their iPods and iPhones


I have quit arguing this debate.
I simply say that I use a MAC and that I like them.
I like not having to worry about viruses etc. but I really cnt hold an argument against the PC.
My father-in-law is a PC guy, and he bought a PC for $300 USD, and for all that I use a computer, I could get away with that.
It is a hard thing to turn away from at such a cheap price, and at that rate every few years I can get a new computer, but backing up my data would be essential.

I doubt I will switch, but I would like a laptop I could carry around and use for personal work related things, and at $300 I could do that.
I could easily use jump drives for my files so to not fill up the computer’s drive.