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Shaun White was in Sydney this week…


He was only here for a day. Did anyone spot him?


Who was he with??


Not sure. This is from filmer/editor Gabe LHeureux:

Last week Shaun and I had a day to burn in Sydney in between flights. We skated all around, did most of the classic tourist stuff. The city is amazing. Alot like an American city, but with cooler accents. That night we went out with Brad from Red Bull and he showed us a great time on the town. We ended up hanging with the Australian version Micheal Phelps (who wasn’t all that friendly) and Pro Surfer Taj Burrow (who was awesome). I cant wait to go back.



Edit: Thats sick as. He looks a bit different from posters and media interviews though.
For a second, i thought you were the one chilling with shaun white :O


Yeah that would be cool… Sounds like it was only a quick stop-over.


Hah those pics look soo stalkerish.

Yeah saw him pulling his moves in New Zealand last month at the Burton Open Finals, then said hi to him at Coronet Peak.

Pretty friendly dude, wonder where he hit up while he was out at night?


The rumor around Thredbo was that a 80ft jump was being built in the Wiamea bowl just for him.


That wouldn’t surprise me at all.


Just for him…..woooooooowwwwww


He’s paid like that.
Gets those opportunities.
thre was an interview a few years back… before the first olympic gold, I think and it mentioned how he like, owned 4 cars even before he was able to drive himself. Just cars he had won from winning contests and one that he bought.
He had 2 houses, one for him and one for his parents, I think.
I forget the details, but he was loaded and that was years ago. He has kept up his pace since then if not improved his position ans done very well for himself.
I hope he is managing his money well.


Thats friggin crazy. When someone like shaun white gets sponsored, do his sponsors pay him annually or is it just gear which he is sponsored


Shaun would be getting a massive pay check from every sponsor + gear + bonuses from when he wins comps.. which is like every time. He’s apparently such a nice guy..


+1 and I were in Coldstone @ Breckenridge and he was lined up behind us. +1 said to me “For all the money Shaun White has, he should see a dermatologist”. +1 thought his skin could do with some work - perhaps a nice facial, etc…........She didn’t like his dodgy 1980’s style leather jacket either grin I think she was underwhelmed because the guys he was with at the time were complete tools who thought they owned the joint.


Doesn’t Shaun have his own private halfpipe somewhere? I forget which mountain built it for him…

EDIT: It’s at Silverton. Check it out…

Shaun’s private halfpipe


Thats way unbelievably crazy… thanks for that rider!
Im sooo f-ing jealous that he gets his own halfpipe. And, looking at how much he earns….mmmmm