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motor biike..

Mizu Kuma - 09 June 2011 11:44 AM
fast eddie - 09 June 2011 11:32 AM
nyteskye - 09 June 2011 11:26 AM

ahhahaha i do too lol

You’ll get there quicker on ya bike lol

Had the Outback at 190!!!!! Don’t tell Mrs Mizu though!!!!!  grrr



Rode my mates Rocket III!!!!!! 2.3 liters of pure grunt!!!!!!  drool


Oh please….

Don’t encourage him :(


Oh please….

Don’t encourage him :(


i still wana get one c[=

emri - 09 June 2011 12:02 PM

Oh please….

Don’t encourage him :(

Awww Emri… You havent lived till you rode a motorbike… or fought with your parents about riding a motorbike lol.

My Mum found out last year when I was going to the snow and taking Dad’s car. I said “Would you prefer me to take my motorbike” and she went off her nut lol.


I fought with my dad for 10 years about getting a road bike.
Rode some 125cc MotoX when I was 14 then got a Ninja when I had my license.

Then I worked for a doctor… long story short, motorbike users drop like flies - I saw so many of our patients die.
Statistically if your 20 and ride a moto on the road you wont live until 30.

Half of the road deaths on a bike are single vehicle accidents (no car involved). Most riders die because of the road gutter. (ever noticed the hay bails at race tracks and no guttering!)

A good helmet is only necessary so your body can be identified.

If you want to enjoy riding a moto and stay alive as long as possible learn off road like Mizu said. But know this; by riding a bike YOU HAVE A LOADED GUN POINTED AT YOUR HEAD and helmets don’t stop bullets or gutters moving at 60kmh let alone 200kmh.

tjswish - 09 June 2011 02:23 PM
emri - 09 June 2011 12:02 PM

Oh please….

Don’t encourage him :(

Awww Emri… You havent lived till you rode a motorbike… or fought with your parents about riding a motorbike lol.

My Mum found out last year when I was going to the snow and taking Dad’s car. I said “Would you prefer me to take my motorbike” and she went off her nut lol.

LOL Funny that! I did an 8 hour drive on my Kawa-harley to my cousin’s wedding reception in Northern Cali, after the fact my Aunt mention how impressed that I showed up on the bike- yea mom didn’t know until right then.  Then we had to warm her up to the idea without telling I had had the bike for 4 years . .  rolleyes



I got in trouble off my mum for buyin my last bike!!!! I was 41 years old!!!!!  LOL

nyteskye - 09 June 2011 12:54 PM

i still wana get one c[=

Just take the good advice Nyteskye, get proper gear, and take your time learning properly.  I’d stay away from gunnin it till your really comfortable with handling your motor, and treat it like its a car (don’t tailgate, drive in blindspots, etc)  And like Mizu and Spaz commented, just assume everyone else can’t drive and you have to watch out for them all as they won’t notice you/see you.  How many times do you see a car change lanes without lookin?
I don’t know if they have anything like it here, but where I grew up through the community college I took a drivers ed type program for motorcycles- but no way I was going out on the road with NY drivers unless I was confident I could avoid some of the ones that “thought” they could drive grrr

Mizu Kuma - 09 June 2011 10:50 PM


I got in trouble off my mum for buyin my last bike!!!! I was 41 years old!!!!!  LOL


snowdragon - 09 June 2011 10:51 PM
Mizu Kuma - 09 June 2011 10:50 PM


I got in trouble off my mum for buyin my last bike!!!! I was 41 years old!!!!!  LOL



snowdragon - 09 June 2011 10:50 PM
nyteskye - 09 June 2011 12:54 PM

i still wana get one c[=

Just take the good advice Nyteskye, get proper gear, and take your time learning properly.  I’d stay away from gunnin it till your really comfortable with handling your motor, and treat it like its a car (don’t tailgate, drive in blindspots, etc)  And like Mizu and Spaz commented, just assume everyone else can’t drive and you have to watch out for them all as they won’t notice you/see you.  How many times do you see a car change lanes without lookin?
I don’t know if they have anything like it here, but where I grew up through the community college I took a drivers ed type program for motorcycles- but no way I was going out on the road with NY drivers unless I was confident I could avoid some of the ones that “thought” they could drive grrr

We have 8 hours (about 3 on the bike) worth of training before we can buy a bike and go 80km/h lol.

Then you have your L’s for 3 months before you can go 90km/h on your Red P plates.

Then you need them for a year till you get your green P plates and you can go 100. (or if you are over 25 and have a full car license you can skip this step)

Then you can go 110.


Are those the same rules with P’s in a car?  Sounds like they make sense, I never had to worry as the US is one of the exempt countrys, I just had to pay for the license and my full car/motorcyle was just all good the second I got here.

snowdragon - 10 June 2011 03:05 AM

Are those the same rules with P’s in a car?  Sounds like they make sense, I never had to worry as the US is one of the exempt countrys, I just had to pay for the license and my full car/motorcyle was just all good the second I got here.

Yea same rules as the car… apart from the skipping your Green P Plates ofc…