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First time you went to the snow - post your photos!

rider26 - 08 June 2011 06:42 AM

It was so tight around her butt she couldn’t even take off her own boots!  LOL  snake


K2_SnatchCrewSader - 08 June 2011 06:53 AM
rider26 - 08 June 2011 06:42 AM

It was so tight around her butt she couldn’t even take off her own boots!  LOL  snake


I couldn’t eat that entire day in fear of having to squeeze back into it.


Why would you be eating your lunch naked? That’s weird…  oh oh


LOL Yeh?? haha i thought getting out would have been the problem

tjswish - 08 June 2011 06:22 AM
Azz - 08 June 2011 05:23 AM

Look at the dude in the background, he’s saying to his mates, “lets roll that MoFo for his brand new board”

Apart from the fact that it’s clearly a rental…

No rental there Swish Man!!!!!! That puppy was a brand spanker!!!!!

I think those guys were thinkin, “this guy must be sponsored, he’s got flames on his board”

And how wrong they were!!!!!! Or would’ve been had they thought that in the first place!!!!!


No photo’s of me on my first snow adventure, it was 1987. Next trip was 1995 and my first time boarding. Did a weekend in ‘96 and again in ‘97 then started doing full seasons in 1998.

I’ll have to digitise a photo from ‘98 - my first snow photo?!?!

Mizu Kuma - 08 June 2011 04:24 PM
tjswish - 08 June 2011 06:22 AM
Azz - 08 June 2011 05:23 AM

Look at the dude in the background, he’s saying to his mates, “lets roll that MoFo for his brand new board”

Apart from the fact that it’s clearly a rental…

No rental there Swish Man!!!!!! That puppy was a brand spanker!!!!!

I think those guys were thinkin, “this guy must be sponsored, he’s got flames on his board”

And how wrong they were!!!!!! Or would’ve been had they thought that in the first place!!!!!

Well brand new and you defaced it with such an ugly stomp pad lol.

Mizu Kuma - 08 June 2011 04:37 AM

I’m sure that we’ve all seen this one before!!!!  sick At Smiggins 1986 for a weekend bus trip!!!!! Did more drinkin than anythin on the snow!!!!!

Next time at the snow was back to Smiggins again, but with rugrats in tow 1999!!!!!

Thredbo 2001 holdin my first snowboard!!!!! Mrs Mizu reckons that I look like a criminal!!!!! (Better tha “Dorky Dork” I spose!!!!!)

I’m so happy mrs Mizu snowboards now dance


Best I could do (took a photo of a photo)
This is a little jib park I built outside my bedroom after a big dump at Smiggs in 1998.
I loved having hair!

This photo is displayed in the busiest room at mums house.


Look at all your hair Spaz LOL


sick shot spaz


Yeah, good times. I ran the snowboard section of the rental place in Smiggs and lived in the building.  (Maybe the Mizu clan rented gear of me in 1999?????)

That was the first kicker I ever built and it was over a creek gap then went into a wall ride on my bedroom wall with a rail set up after that. To get to the jump I packed down a tree run from the lodge behind us!
I have video of it somewhere but it is stored away with the 1000’s of videos I’ve made since then.

It was prob. my first snowboarding vid!!!!

fast eddie - 09 June 2011 07:21 AM

Look at all your hair Spaz LOL

It was at the end of that season I started shaving it.  downer

spaz - 09 June 2011 07:38 AM

Yeah, good times. I ran the snowboard section of the rental place in Smiggs and lived in the building.  (Maybe the Mizu clan rented gear of me in 1999?????)

That was the first kicker I ever built and it was over a creek gap then went into a wall ride on my bedroom wall with a rail set up after that. To get to the jump I packed down a tree run from the lodge behind us!
I have video of it somewhere but it is stored away with the 1000’s of videos I’ve made since then.

It was prob. my first snowboarding vid!!!!

Nah, we hired all our gear from the gong!!!!!

I’d love to see the vid!!!!!! Awesome pic mate!!!!!  cool grin

spaz - 09 June 2011 07:40 AM
fast eddie - 09 June 2011 07:21 AM

Look at all your hair Spaz LOL

It was at the end of that season I started shaving it.  downer

so thats when winter started getting colder LOL