The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


The count down is now on.


Well it is officially one month till I fly out to start a new life in the UK. Can’t believe how quick it has crept up, it seemed like only yesterday we were thinking about the move.
One thing for sure at least I can still be on BW.


You can be the Boarldworld Euro correspondent !!!

Awesome move man, good on you for going to see the world !!!


Let me know when you’re free, CJ. We need to catch up!

The last few weeks is going to fly. Always so much to do in such little time…  grrr


the first thing that came into my head when i read this topic,


And I thought of this!!!!!  sick


I might be wrong, but sounds like the second thought of “WTF am I doin”, is kickin in CJ????

All natural, all part of the process!!!!!

You’ll never regret doin such a thing!!!!! Your still so young, and besides that ya still look good in a one peice, Go explore the world, charge on and teach em how it’s done from the Land Down Under!!!!!!  shaka


Rip, tear and bust over there CJ

All the best for the move!!!


Bet ya can’t wait cool smile


sweet, all the best for when you go!