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Freakishly Tall or Unfortunately Small?

Poll: Freakishly Tall or Unfortunately Small?
Total Votes: 16

If you had to be either 6’8 or 5’5 which would you pick?  I apologies to any females reading this as it’s not really relavent for you.


Can I be 6’8” with size 10 feet?

Only bugger about being tall is generally your feet are 12, 13 + which limits board selection.


i would rather be small, tall ppl just look goofy even tho they arnt


i’d give small a go, while being tall has its asvantages . . it would be nice to fit better in cars and airplanes smile


i would go tall so i can play bball better!


Can I be a Cow this time????


a 6ft8 cow would be an interesting and slightly scary sight…the steaks would be huge tho


I voted 6’8” cause at 5’5” you would always be angry!!!!!! (The dreaded short man syndrome!!!!)


Plus it would be easier to see where ya goin in a crowd!!!!!


ay 5’5” i’d just duck under your 6’8” legs


This thread reminds me of when we went to NZ last year. I’m 6ft and 2nd from the left. Phil on the right is about 6ft 8 or so.

Personally I think I’d choose short over tall. Just so many more hassles being tall.

And you can still get on a rollercoaster at 5ft5. If you said 4ft7 (dwarf) then I’d go for tall.


Does this mean I’m 2.5 inches off being classified as ‘freakishly short’?  mad


no,....just Unfortunately Small as the title says LOL

Not that I can really say anything, I’m only 5’ 8.5”

snowdragon - 05 June 2011 11:59 PM

ay 5’5” i’d just duck under your 6’8” legs

Yeah, but ya still wouldn’t know where ya were goin!!!!!

rider26 - 06 June 2011 12:31 AM

Does this mean I’m 2.5 inches off being classified as ‘freakishly short’?  mad

Nah, I reckon that that will be good enough to qualify!!!!!  LOL

(And note the use of the angry smiley in the post!!!!! Classic Example of Angry Short Man Syndrome????)

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 06 June 2011 12:39 AM

no,....just Unfortunately Small as the title says LOL

Not that I can really say anything, I’m only 5’ 8.5”

Love the use of the .5”!!!! Can we please have that measurement in mm????