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Ban Live Export


Oh, that ad nearly makes me cry every time I see it… Horrible



I saw some of the footage of how they treated cattle in these Muslim countries!!!!! I don’t know how we have been supplying these places for so long????

I was gonna use this as an example in the Human Vs Cow debate, but I found it to be a little too disturbing to add to the argument!!!!!

I really don’t understand how we get the word Humane from Human????


I just don’t get it… How anyone can treat animals in that way… So horrible


Sick Fucks!!!!!

If our Government (The People that have the power to stop this!!!!) can watch this, yet choose do nothin about it, then they are just as sick as the bastards that are doin it themselves!!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 05 June 2011 10:47 AM

Sick Fucks!!!!!

If our Government (The People that have the power to stop this!!!!) can watch this, yet choose do nothin about it, then they are just as sick as the bastards that are doin it themselves!!!!!

These people have power. they are in bed with the people that control these animals lives, yet they do not speak cause it doesn’t justify their individual needs. All comes down to politics, i’v seen worse, and yet worse done enough to sadden the soul contained within my own “Extended family” in a place where its a way of life. . . an end to a means. I don’t support this. these people have power but they don’t have THE power, support your local animal org’s! Not all animals exist to serve a purpose.

-Disclaimer: Snowdragon may start to rant and not make sense, or make sense to literate ears, Snowdragon wishes no harm, no faul, an no judgment towards Snowdragons reckless comments


If these people that make the rules and can therefore change the rules whenever they see fit, then they can change the rules so as to stop this cruel and very unnecessary way of killing animals for human consumption!!!!!

It just simply baffles me to how our “leaders” can honestly let this happen????

If my best mate said that we can make a few dollars by a certain way and means, but it did include letting acts such as this go on with our permission, then I would politely look at may mate and tell him to go and get himself well and truly Fucked!!!!!

If our “Leaders” weren’t such spineless idiots then we would have no need for local animal lib groups in the first place!!!!!

-Disclaimer: Mizu Kuma definitely rants and most often makes no sense whatever, but probably not to illiterate ears, Mizu wishes harm to those cruel bastards in the these videos and Bad Karma to those that let this type of thing continue!!!!!


You can even ask Mrs Mizu (well ya probably can’t really!!!!), about the fact that I don’t bet on The Horses (Even goin into a Sweep for The Melbourne Cup!!!!! I know that I arranged one for Boardworld under the request from Azz!!!! The only reason that I did do it because there was no money to be put into that industry by me organizin it!!!!! Yet even given those circumstances it still made me cringe about what I was doin!!!!!)

I have seen how they treat race horses, and it is downright cruel!!!!! If no body went to the track and spent $$$$ gambling on it, then there would be no Horse racing Industry!!!!! And in my opinion, that would be a great thing to happen indeed!!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 05 June 2011 11:37 AM

If these people that make the rules and can therefore change the rules whenever they see fit, then they can change the rules so as to stop this cruel and very unnecessary way of killing animals for human consumption!!!!!

It just simply baffles me to how our “leaders” can honestly let this happen????

If my best mate said that we can make a few dollars by a certain way and means, but it did include letting acts such as this go on with our permission, then I would politely look at may mate and tell him to go and get himself well and truly Fucked!!!!!

If our “Leaders” weren’t such spineless idiots then we would have no need for local animal lib groups in the first place!!!!!

-Disclaimer: Mizu Kuma definitely rants and most often makes no sense whatever, but probably not to illiterate ears, Mizu wishes harm to those cruel bastards in the these videos and Bad Karma to those that let this type of thing continue!!!!!

I hear all that Mizu! all comments made by the Dragon actually fall within Midwest US (family unfortunately) lines- You have my full support reguardless
It doesn’t make it any easier seeing it in another country, its the same cycle over again downer

snowdragon - 05 June 2011 11:57 AM
Mizu Kuma - 05 June 2011 11:37 AM

If these people that make the rules and can therefore change the rules whenever they see fit, then they can change the rules so as to stop this cruel and very unnecessary way of killing animals for human consumption!!!!!

It just simply baffles me to how our “leaders” can honestly let this happen????

If my best mate said that we can make a few dollars by a certain way and means, but it did include letting acts such as this go on with our permission, then I would politely look at may mate and tell him to go and get himself well and truly Fucked!!!!!

If our “Leaders” weren’t such spineless idiots then we would have no need for local animal lib groups in the first place!!!!!

-Disclaimer: Mizu Kuma definitely rants and most often makes no sense whatever, but probably not to illiterate ears, Mizu wishes harm to those cruel bastards in the these videos and Bad Karma to those that let this type of thing continue!!!!!

I hear all that Mizu! all comments made by the Dragon actually fall within Midwest US (family unfortunately) lines- You have my full support reguardless
It doesn’t make it any easier seeing it in another country, its the same cycle over again downer

You aren’t playin a part in it dragon so ya have none of Mizu’s Bad Karma on ya!!!!!  shaka


One point that should be noted, is that many of Australia’s cattle breeders ALSO want to see an end to this cruelty. It’s not the actual live exports that are the problem - it’s the people involved in some of them, barbaric religious practices, and the countries who endorse the actions of the perpetrators. THEY are the ones who should be the target of our protests.

Stopping live exports from Australia is just a band-aid solution, as Indonesia will just get their livestock from somewhere else - so they’ll STILL continue to torture innocent animals!

If you don’t agree with the way they butcher their meat in Indonesia, DON’T support Indonesia at all until they change their ways - period! That means NO aid money to Indonesia at all, NO trade with Indonesia at all and NO tourist visits to Indonesia at all! NONE!

SHOW Indonesia you’re serious about this issue - otherwise it’s all hot air.

I know it may seem unfair to target the whole of Indonesia, but their government represents the people of Indonesia, and they evidently condone these barbaric practices - so THEY are the ones who should feel the heat. If the people of Indonesia care, they will pressure their government to change their ways, or directly pressure the individuals or groups specifically involved.

As far as I’m concerned, I think there should also be NO support for any religion that supports these barbaric practices.

Mizu Kuma - 05 June 2011 11:45 AM

. . . I don’t bet on The Horses . . .

100% with you on that one. I’m against the whipping.


Australia is by far the best option for Indonesia to obtain their livestock - so although banning live exports from here is futile, we are in a strong position to set stringent conditions on the treatment of any animal exported. If they want our livestock, they should be forced to meet our standards. That should be the focus of the Australian government.

From a religious/cultural perspective, although we are virtually powerless to stop acts such as ritual female genital mutilation occurring in other countries, we SHOULD be able to determine how our animals are treated when exported.


Grim videos those.  Such evil bastards.

chucky - 05 June 2011 02:03 PM
Mizu Kuma - 05 June 2011 11:45 AM

. . . I don’t bet on The Horses . . .

100% with you on that one. I’m against the whipping.

Even if they stopped the whipping, I still wont be placein my money into that industry!!!!!

I once did some work around the Kembla Grange Stables, and saw first hand how cruelly treated these animals really are!!!!


If I ever seen this happen in front of me I would be going to jail for murder on the humans….... I live on a farm with 300 plus cattle and i had to shut my eyes in some parts!!!! that is so cruel… it should be done properly not like that!! makes me so angry