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Fatima’s Selection


Fatima is going over seas again and wants to get some new clothes he needs your help…..........

I was thinking this…..


He’ll need to pack lots of underwear!!!!! We all know what happens the day after a Zinger Burger!!!!!


And ALWAYS pack somethin for a FORMAL OCCASION!!!!!! I hope that they have his size though????


Is it a bird…. is it a plane… noooo its FATIMA



When I read the title of this thread I thought it was going to be about what selection to make at kfc, false advertising!



lol thanks guys had a hard time choosing but after looking at this thread i got a few good ideas!!


If you go to a dress up party I suggest this for you

fast eddie - 05 June 2011 06:47 AM

If you go to a dress up party I suggest this for you

good idea ill borrow mizu’s 1 LOL

fatima4u - 05 June 2011 07:02 AM
fast eddie - 05 June 2011 06:47 AM

If you go to a dress up party I suggest this for you

good idea ill borrow mizu’s 1 LOL

hahahaha burn!!  cool smirk


hahahahaha nice one fatima cool grin


Yeah, pure Gold there chubs!!!!!


might b a bit 2 big for me but ay mizu

fatima4u - 05 June 2011 08:41 AM

might b a bit 2 big for me but ay mizu

The mask will be, due to my large skull that’s housin the massive brain capacity, but there’s now way in the world ya gonna get the pants around the rim of blubber that you possess!!!!!

And besides that I wont be lendin it to ya, cause you’ll only get food stains all over it!!!!!


Besides, ya can always get out ya favourite costume!!!!! The Tour’d France Competitor!!!!!


And don’t fall over at KFC and break ya wrist again!!!!!