The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Have a Safe Flight Home Jeremy!!!!!


Hope ya have a safe trip back dude!!!!!  cool grin




Yeah, don’t worry about a thing here, we’ll look after the place for you


Yeah, we all know what jet lag can do to ya!!!!! Play mind tricks for one!!!!!


Safe travels bro! Aus cant wait to have ya back!


Have a safe trip dude, we’ll have to get the nsw crew together and have a beer

Mizu Kuma - 01 June 2011 10:47 AM

Yeah, we all know what jet lag can do to ya!!!!! Play mind tricks for one!!!!!



welcome back to the other motherland


Will be good to have ya back in the right time zone and posting on here in normal hours!


Great to see you one last time before you headed back.  Going to miss you mate!  Take care of things back home and get your butt back up here when you can!

spaz - 01 June 2011 07:33 PM
Mizu Kuma - 01 June 2011 10:47 AM

Yeah, we all know what jet lag can do to ya!!!!! Play mind tricks for one!!!!!

Yeah, we all know what jet lag can do to ya!!!!! Play mind tricks for one!!!!!

Yeah, we all know what jet lag can do to ya!!!!! Play mind tricks for one!!!!!


Welcome home! (almost)

Warren Chapstick - 01 June 2011 07:58 PM
spaz - 01 June 2011 07:33 PM
Mizu Kuma - 01 June 2011 10:47 AM

Yeah, we all know what jet lag can do to ya!!!!! Play mind tricks for one!!!!!

Yeah, we all know what jet lag can do to ya!!!!! Play mind tricks for one!!!!!

Yeah, we all know what jet lag can do to ya!!!!! Play mind tricks for one!!!!!

!!!!!eno rof skcirt dnim yalP !!!!!ay ot od nac gal tej tahw wonk lla ew ,heay

Mizu Kuma - 01 June 2011 10:47 AM

Yeah, we all know what jet lag can do to ya!!!!! Play mind tricks for one!!!!!

Yeah, we all know what jet lag can do to ya!!!!! Play mind tricks for one!!!!!
^^^^Strange that I say this because I’ve never had jet lag!!!!!!!!!!



darb - 01 June 2011 08:17 PM
Warren Chapstick - 01 June 2011 07:58 PM
spaz - 01 June 2011 07:33 PM
Mizu Kuma - 01 June 2011 10:47 AM

Yeah, we all know what jet lag can do to ya!!!!! Play mind tricks for one!!!!!

Yeah, we all know what jet lag can do to ya!!!!! Play mind tricks for one!!!!!

Yeah, we all know what jet lag can do to ya!!!!! Play mind tricks for one!!!!!

!!!!!eno rof skcirt dnim yalP !!!!!ay ot od nac gal tej tahw wonk lla ew ,heay

Bloody Nora!!!!! Look what it’s done to darb!!!!! And he flew back ages ago!!!!!  big surprise