The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Cabin Fever


Well, funny you should ask!!!

I have a plan, a grand plan in fact.

Azz, really hates mowing grass with the push mower. We have a heap of fruit trees, and its a bitch to mow around them on the ride on. So I have to use the push mower. This makes Azz sad downer

So my plan is to have many many Guinea pigs in an enclosure around the orchard, busy busy busy mowing my grass, 24 / 7 shaka

Then, when I have way too many pigs for my purpose, I shall start an advertising campaign that makes every child under ten in Australia (for starters) truly believe they need to have a pet Guinea pig. evil

I then will be filthy rich and spend the spoils on an endless winter   ollie

Master plan I thinks cheese



Kinda like the YoYo Craze of the 80’s????


Only better !!!!!!!!


They gonna have TWO Strings????


and their fluffy (like slippers)