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Spaz gets hectic…. tries to land in thredbo village.


She was on top, you see her in the vid as I’m approaching the drop, she and the other boarder I’m with couldn’t see the size from where they were, neither could I. As she approached she saw how big it was and started to look for the place to drop off it.


So did the cornice avie whilst she was on top?
Man that looked CRAZY


It gave way while she was on it, surfed a block of snow the first ten foot before skiing off the block into its path. The whole thing ended up on top of her.
VIDEO LINK of it collapsing as well as boardCam and poleCam footage of my drop.


Here are some more pics courtesy of ace:

Tim: “ARE YOU OK?!?!”

Chloe: “I JUST DID THAT!!!!”


Ace: “Hey Spaz give me a Eastside/Westside or what ever you kids do now days?”
Spaz: “MountainSide!!”

Ace: “Spaz!! We should take this opportunity to test the durability of the PoleCam..” 

Spaz: “PoleCam is good!!”


nice pics spaz, sure looks like you guys are having way too much fun at Thredbo, cut it out! (we have been on wind hold all week here and everyone is grumpy) Laughing in the face of danger is a great way of reminding yourself how good life is smile


Great shots spaz. I can’t get over the size of those chunks.

Nudge, how did Stylewars go with all the wind issues?


Stylewars was pretty much a write-off. We had the Rail jam Thursday night and ONE day of competition on Friday. I didnt get the chance to go and check it out because 4 days of wind hold means 4 days of no money coming in so i had to work. Seb Toutant from Canada took out grand champ honors.


Sweat as spaz, nice work way to get everyone all worked up!


great shots, glad you made it out ok

pretty dumb if you ask me though

darb - 30 August 2009 11:48 PM

Sweat as spaz, nice work way to get everyone all worked up!

I agree, good work spaz.
I have enjoyed it very much myself.


You dont get to see that everyday. This perfect picture moment needs a boardworld sticker :p


Ski patrol had no reason to post any danger or signs, I have video of two days worth of patrols in this area and had watched each run intently, I spoke with them regarding avi risk the morning of the event. Based on that information and 9 years skiing this cornice, 6 full seasons watching it’s changes during the season - decided to rely on another person “to just check the rocks are covered, how exposed is the rock on the runout and point to it (so I could make sure my bearings were right)”

My approach would have been totally different with such signage. I go BC and every line is well assessed before being ridden. Nothing suggested the cornice would be the way it was (except Ace’s comment “it’s big” with outstreached poles) - I was sure he was exagerating.

My feeling is that ski patrol are as surprised by it’s existence as I was. Many have come looking for me to see the video - not for the collapse so much as to see it’s size.