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Champions league final

Poll: who’s the second best footballing side in the world?
Total Votes: 7
Manchester United
Real Madrid
Another team

How bloody good were barca eh!!!


Excellent match to watch.
Definitely worth waking up at 4.45am for smile


When I read both of your posts, and then look at ya avatars, it looks as though the avatars are actually sayin it!!!!! Hahahahahahahaaa!!!!!




* No Mizu has not been drinking again!!!!!


i enjoyed it, dont like man u.

but in saying that i am not a fan of barca/spain’s tactics.

hold the ball for ages then rush forward and pressure the defense. It works and they are very successful but i hate it, so boring. Thats why i watch the premier league cause they attack more.

When messi was on the right hand side of the box and fooled nani(or evra i cant remember who it was) and pushed his way into the box i lost it, the kid is f#*king talented its not funny! Was well worht getting up for tho


I can’t believe I missed the game. I’m not sure how it happened. I knew it was coming up but I completely forgot about it. I know if I was back home I would have watched it for sure. All my friends would have been watching and we would have been talking about it all week. The result doesn’t surprise me though. Manchester United were solid all season but nothing spectacular. Now I need to catch it on replay somewhere…  shut eye


Honestly Rider, you’ve got to try and see it, it really was something special.  man utd are a quality team and they hardly had a sniff.  Xavi and iniesta are in the top five players in the world and they hardly got a mention in todays papers!  Vidic was awesome for utd, if he ever goes to barca then everyone’ll be bang in trouble.


It was SUCH a good game. I’ve been getting up early most of the year to watch the champs league games so it was no stress for me!
Deano how can you say they are boring to watch? Barca’s skills are incredible & the reason they can hang onto the ball and have that much possession (barca had 68%!) is because of this. Its not boring - its sexy football - Amazing one-touch passing & all-round skill that leaves your jaw on the floor.
All four goals of the match were excellent goals (yes I shall concede that united’s goal was excellent). I loved Messi’s & Villa’s was special too but the pass from Xavi to set up Pedro for barca’s first was just pure sexy football!!!!

Yep def gotta try and catch a replay, rider!


like i said, when they start plays, rush forward, through balls etc its magical to watch. but alot of the time it is simple back passing without doing much. reminds me of the world cup spanish team(which most of them are in) they just hold possession, passing without going forward or attacking. yes it is highly effective cause it draws the other team out in desperation/annoyance then they attack and score,

actually read their average possession in all their games this year is around 63%!

messi’ goal was amazing, the agility of the kid is crazy.


Yes! We’re watching the game now! Michelle’s brother recorded it.  cool grin


OK I lied. We’ll be watching it tonight…  oh oh

Rick0889 - 31 May 2011 12:47 AM

Crazy stuff

Thats the play i was talking about! crazy amount of talent in that kid


Villes goal was so much better then messi’s in that game.
Unfortunately I stayed up to 2am watching the Arica International bodyboarding event which was in 10ft waves and pumping and free on redbull tv and i had to play soccer that day so couldnt watch it live…


Yep, Villa’s goal was brilliant. Picked his spot and put it there with deadly execution. Barcelona are a much better team than Man Utd in my opinion.


The question is who’s the second best, real or utd?  I wish that had been the semi instead of yet another classico…


I’ll take Real Madrid over Man Utd this season for sure. I feel Man Utd were lucky to win the Premier League this season. They are an ageing team (Giggs, Scholes, Neville, Van der Sar) and had injury issues all season (Valencia, Ferdinand). Rooney is arguably their best player and he is inconsistent to say the least. They are playing guys like Park Ji-Sung and Michael Carrick in the Champions League Finals; not bad players but they don’t match up with the best in the world. Also Nani was one of their most reliable scoring options all season - why did he only come on in the 70th minute? Real Madrid is one of the best teams in the world. Kaka, Ronaldo and so many other options…