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Xcam & SNOcam ~websites~



. . . same goes with the cross hairs (or plus sign if that’s the way you may interpret it)


Just some “constructive critisizm”!!!!! And please don’t take this the wrong way, as I’m guessin that ya are after feedback in the first place????

The last one looks a little “Nazi Germany” to me, and the general public might see it the same way???? I could be wrong!!!!! Wouldn’t be the first time!!!!!  downer


Yeah, we discussed that aspect a while ago - it’s definitely a consideration. It’s interesting the way visual association works - because although the Nazi swastika itself is actually black, it’s the red flag surrounding it that evidently is remembered the most subliminally. So a red object with sharp angles (the “expand” logo) is fine, but introduce black and a little white into the centre of the object, and a connection is made. I feel it’s even more prevalent with the changes spaz made to the original logo I sent him (his current avatar) with the black outline with red inside etc. Against a white background, I think the “expand” logo surrounding the smaller full logo works best in black with red/white in the centre (previous page).


Just sent ya a pm seconds before readin this!!!!!  shaka


Is RED the only colour way that works with it?????

Have ya tried the C, A and M a little closer together so it looks like it is forming a grouped word????

Mizu Kuma - 29 May 2011 03:50 AM

Is RED the only colour way that works with it?

Red’s good because it signifies speed, power etc. - and it contrasts well with black both on screen and in print. Funny you should mention it though, because I’ve been considering blue.

Mizu Kuma - 29 May 2011 03:50 AM

Have ya tried the C, A and M a little closer together so it looks like it is forming a grouped word?

Yeah, I tried different variations a while ago. Too close, and you start to lose definition at smaller sizes. Things have progressed a bit since then, so it may be worth another look.

Ultimately it’s up to spaz though - it’s his baby.

chucky - 29 May 2011 04:51 AM

Ultimately it’s up to spaz though - it’s his baby.

Just as long as it doesn’t end up lookin like spaz then!!!!!  tongue laugh


If it turns out looking anything like my real life baby (who is no longer a baby) - I’m on a winner.

I changed my avatar to give the new logo (in black) a run.

I’ve done so much already with the red (black outline) it would take a number of hours to change the website alone. Business cards and 2000 fliers came back from the printer this week so for consistency and recognition the red <strike>arrows</strike>... I mean X - it would be best to run with for this winter at least. Considering no advertising has been done I can’t sit around making consideration about the logo. How many days till season 2011??????

Promotion should have started 100 days ago.

Although I’m aware of avoiding association with National Socialist German Worker’s Party it is very unfortunate the swastika has such poor public opinion as it is the most prominent symbol of luck and prosperity and a very powerful logo. Having some Buddhist belief it is a ideal symbol to venture into business with as it was taken from Hindi/Buddhist culture.

Red - brings on action and passion. Also has the best contrast on white or black - snow is….
(I prefer blue or green) [green/red colour blind -OK]


It will be very hard to make a black X stand out on a black car.

spaz - 29 May 2011 11:45 AM

It will be very hard to make a black X stand out on a black car.

Unless it has a white pinstripe/background/border around it????

You would more than likely print that Black/Red Logo onto a White Vinyl anyway!!!!


BTW, I like the black one that’s in ya avatar atm!!!!!  cool grin


The same GREEN as the little boxes under ya avatar would go nicely with BLACK & WHITE!!!!!


New avatar gets thumbs up from me. But at same time I do understand ur points on the red

Mizu Kuma - 29 May 2011 11:58 AM
spaz - 29 May 2011 11:45 AM

It will be very hard to make a black X stand out on a black car.

Unless it has a white pinstripe/background/border around it????

You would more than likely print that Black/Red Logo onto a White Vinyl anyway!!!!

I’ll be painting it on - not vinyl. You know with masking tape and PAINT. Pinstripe-maybe!