The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Australian board makers

HI every1 i’m new at this posting thing so…..
anyways i wanted to ask the boarding community wether anybody knows of any Australian shops or snowboarding companies that make there own boards within Sydney. The reason i’m asking is because for my yr12 design and technology project i wanted to make my own snowboard with my own graphics and such. I would like to do work experience to get hands on really get to know how to make a snowboard (Internet instructions aren’t really helpful). If anybody can help it would be greatly appreciated grin


I know apnea make snowboards in Aus you could try giving them a holler.
I think that they might be melbourne based and not sydney but give them a shot anyway: Contact/apneacontact.htm
There is also:
RAC Snowboard Manufacturing
P.O. Box 22, Narrabeen, NSW 2101
p: (02) 99722987


I followed your link and it said PAGE NOT FOUND.
I think it was the"/apnea"
at the end that messes up that link.

Try this one:

And they have a blog at:


yeah. sorry for stuffing the link.
Thats the company. they sponsor one of my mates and apprently make some decent boards


There’s also….

Fyve Snowboards - Australian company, they do custom graphics.

Force - Australian company.

Catalyst Snowboards - Australian company. Not sure the website, but here is their myspace:

Trickie Snowboards - Australian company. they do custom graphics.