The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive




What does ya workplace look like????

Here’s a bit of mine!!!!!

About 1/6th of the production line

The exterior of the “office”

The interior of the “office”

Complete with “Quality” reverse cycle air-conditioning

It is a “FUSHITSU” Australias most hated air-conditioner!!!!!


I gather that ya cold borin old office aint so bad after seein mine, K2????  LOL


You win mate. I was up in the hills today at a sports tournament so no photos


Yeah it’s a bit of a shit hole!!!!! And that’s the best it’s ever looked during the 23 years that I’ve worked there!!!!!  LOL


Hahahahahaha “The Toy Shop” Mizu hahahaha i have never seen you outta that cabin!


And I’ve never seen you on a Roof!!!!!  LOL


Me and Fast Eddie at work


Office #1
Bed - I do tonnes of work here, lots of video editing, photo processing and graphics. Sometimes I manage a few hours sleep (as most do in their offices)

Me in Office #3
(the really cold one) yeah I know I <strike>suck</strike> rule.Photobucket

Some other views of #3

chair to the moon


Office #4
Car - I work from here, it’s basically my mobile shop front and edit studio. And like #1 and #2 is a place to fall asleep while working.


Sorry guys I can’t post photos of my office (work in a secure area, no phones/cameras/digital media)

But I can tell you I sit in a large open office with a lot of computer, looking over paddocks by the Monaro Highway!


Do you often see kangaroos in the paddocks? I always spot a few around the Monaro Highway.


So many dead ones on the side of the road these days as well!!!!!

Do they leave them as a kind of deterrent for other roos, or like a warning to motorists that they are present????


A few more of work

Me and fast eddie


Yeah, the last one is more like it!!!!!

rider26 - 28 May 2011 12:32 AM

Do you often see kangaroos in the paddocks? I always spot a few around the Monaro Highway.

All the time… They are always around somewhere. My dad hit one on the Monaro once.

Its gonna be painful once snow season starts cause I’m going to see all the cars packed up heading to the snow while I’m stuck at work!


Yep. You’ll see me going past often on Mondays, including this Monday, hehehe.

Should I wave as I pass blizzard?

Alas i will not be in my office but an orange ford territory.
As for the kangaroo’s i don’t see them in my VW - it’s Just too noisy, even the wombats run before I get close.


You can wave while I shoot my nerf gun at you :-(