The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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Sucked in Mizu cause your fat
hahahahahaha yer that’s right suck in Mizu
One night we were all on the piss at Warrens house, halfway though the night some took all his meat out of the freezer and hide it around his house!!! e.g in his bed, under his couch cushions and other places around the place… it was not me for once!!!
I left my thongs at his crib, so as a revenge Warren took to my thongs with a pair of scissors!! He then sent me picture though-out the night of my thongs cut up into like a 1000 pieces hahaha!!! also left life threating voice mail messages hahahaha So worth it!!
I have a nerf gun now so look out for the next person who thinks they can mess around with the shoe box….......
And eddie you forgot to say about how all the coins ended up although my bed and that i had to sleep on the table
Hahahahahaahaha!!!!! Eddie messin with the Bird Nest!!!!!
For Mizu…
How’s the IP Address on these???? Look familiar????
Hmmmm?????? Maybe Spanish wont be the only one with a six pack after all!!!!!!