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Poll: See opening post.
Total Votes: 18

I just couldn’t end up being someone’s steak lol and such a dull life!!!


Still haven’t voted.


Spanish Cockell is a meat eater!!!!! (Hope ya don’t take that the wrong way Spanish!!!!!)

Andy Aitken - 20 May 2011 05:29 AM
spaz - 18 May 2011 10:13 PM

Of course I’ll think too deeply on this; (and if I had decent internet would look up stats)

But as a human, life is difficult. 95% of us live in poverty - the chances of being born in the 5% is only 5%. Not good odds

Cow reason 2:

Okay I’ve done the homework

As a human you have only 5% chance of living above the poverty line

But as a Cow… There are 1.3 Billion cows estimated in the world and 200 million are in India.
You have 15.3% Chance of being worshipped as a GOD!!!

The smart money is on the Cows smile

Ahhh!!!!! But ya haven’t taken into account the death toll!!!!!

As per spaz’s findings in a previous post VVVV

spaz - 20 May 2011 04:05 AM

Beef cattle (In 2003); of the 34 million beef cattle in Australia 9 million were slaughtered.

They cull more than 25% of the population!!!!!

That would be like wipin out 7,000,000 in Australia, 75,000,000 in the US and 8,500,000 people in Canada, out of the population of just these three countries alone, and that’s EVERY YEAR!!!!!


spaz - 20 May 2011 04:05 AM

Australian Cows ARE they most well cared for animal in the world.

Live below “The Poverty Line”, or don’t live at all???? Hmmmm…........

Human FTW!!!!!

Andy Aitken - 20 May 2011 05:04 AM
Mizu Kuma - 17 May 2011 11:30 PM


I’m a shit snowboarder but I can still ride better than a Cow!!!!

How’s that Logic?????

I vote Cow!!!

These days the chance of becoming a pro rider (even starting from a young age) are very slim. People are triple corking and double Mctwisting it’s pretty damn hard to compete with that.

BUT… how many Cows have you seen snowboard?? All I would have to do is a simple 50 50 or a straight air, next day it’s viral on youtube and BOOM I’m sponsored :D

Ahhh!!!!! But how would the local board store react when ya shit all over the door mat at the entrance????


Live below “The Poverty Line”, or don’t live at all???? Hmmmm…........


Good question.  Where indeed to draw the line between living and not living at all?  I’d be interested to know how shit life would have to become before you wished a) you’d never been born and b) born instead as a bovine!


And what does the Western World classify as “below the poverty line”?????

No income perhaps?????

There are billions of people that live on the planet that don’t have a cent to their name, yet live an enriched life!!!!


Aidy, Depends on an individuals perspective - Glass half full/empty

The poverty line is having access to proper health treatment and food. It has little to do with what money they have.
eg: A wealthy person with a mental condition that does not seek treatment and because of condition cannot feed themselves well is in poverty - Say a rock star heroin addict.


A person living in the third world, without any funds who grows their own crops and has good hunting and knowledge of the world about them to provide natural healing or preventative medicine…

The Western World has pigeon holed poverty as indicated by finances and they tend to force Third World citizens to live what they believe, if refused they over-run that society or take their children. Examples of this are throughout history - what comes to mind is the Spanish Inquisition and more recently Australia re: stollen generation.


Poverty: the state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support; condition of being poor.  From

The point isn’t what definition to give poverty or in fact about poverty per se.  I just wanted to know how bad things would have to get before mizu would change from a life of woe to one of a) no life or b) the bovine life.

Just a note, I think this idea that people with very little have sweet lives and rich people’s are crap is grossly over played.  Let’s face it in general most people would take being rich over being poor if given the choice.

Aidy - 25 May 2011 10:06 AM

Poverty: the state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support; condition of being poor.  From

The point isn’t what definition to give poverty or in fact about poverty per se.  I just wanted to know how bad things would have to get before mizu would change from a life of woe to one of a) no life or b) the bovine life.

Just a note, I think this idea that people with very little have sweet lives and rich people’s are crap is grossly over played.  Let’s face it in general most people would take being rich over being poor if given the choice.

spaz had noted that 95% of humans live in “poverty”!!!!!! I was just curious to see what “poverty” actually means to some people!!!!!

People that lead simple lives that have no TV etc etc!!!!! Do they know that there are these material possessions out there for the taking???? Do they really care????

I know of elderly people that live here, and have no desire for some modern ways!!!!!


human 4 sure who would wanna b a cow lol


Ponder this;

“The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence”.

I think it is a natural instinct to want what you don’t have;
Most native villages (especially those from the Amazon region) that have been given modern amenities in exchange for their land and “relieved” of their poverty (as per the dictionary definition) do not find their lives to be satisfactory but indeed the reverse. And these people chose to do this - they where not forced into it.
They were shown how good a westerners lifestyle is and drawn to it by the temptation of TV, clothing, electricity, shops etc. These people are now recorded as some of the poorest on earth - now that they have a means to be measured by.

Before that they had a strong culture, they struggled to hunt for food and often went hungry (due to developing nations destroying nearby habitats). Now they struggle to get grow crops and transport it to markets.

<sarcasm>It’s ok though, because the next generation will not know about the culture they once belonged and will have come to accept and live within the poverty or move to a city or another part of the world.<sarcasm>

fatima4u - 26 May 2011 08:42 AM

human 4 sure who would wanna b a cow lol

Cows don’t eat fried chicken - I see your point.


Sorry Mizu, you made me go back and look.

I (because I am lucky enough to have super powers) have gone back and changed my vote to cow.



You came across as a bit of a Bully when I met ya!!!!!!  hmmm