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Super yachts!!


Hii Kids

So as some of or most of you know ive been chilling in Florida in the US, looking to get into the super yachting industry… Just so happens i landed my dream job the other day and here i am at the airport waiting for a flight to the Bahamas!! Woooooo! So stoked

After alot of blood sweat and tears went down but i got a sweet gig as a deckhand on this mumma of a boat..

Ill be sure to post pics and let ya all know how im getting on.. Looks like endless summers and surfing for me! Yeeeeeew!

Peace out!


Wow, sounds like a cool gig.
What will be your job on such a boat?
Seems like it would take 2X as many staff as it would passengers to run it.


Just arrived on the yacht… I gotta say wow!! Such a nice boat

There’s a crew of 10. My role as deckhand involves, playing with the toys (jet skis and tenders) watch keeping, general maintenance, and keeping all the toys squeaky clean smile

The crew are all wicked ppl, even a couple of keen surfers on board! Stoked

Ill post up some pics for you cats soon!!


Thats one beautiful yacht man.


Mental mate, you gotta be stoked with that.  I take it you’re a single man, would be hard to be anything else living that life!


I always wondered what it would be like to get a job on a cruise ship. that would be cool.
Meet so many interesting people… I guess a lot like international travel to a ski resort, though.


Aaron, that is so dope! I’m really happy for you. You’ve got the job, life is great, enjoy every moment. Keep us posted for sure! Yeeeeeeeeew grin


So the last few days on the boat have been pretty sweet.. The crew have overloaded my brian with info, which is cool.. Gotta rock the mental stimulation!

Lots of cleaning goes down on this bad boy.. Ive been strapped into a harness and hung over the side of the boat to wash windows, used various cleaning chemicals and agents and nearly fallen into the drink many times.. Hahaha Good fun, the crew are all great ppl, all the boys wakeboard or surf, the stewardess girls are all smokin hot too! Ha!

Off to Puerto Rico on Sunday then we bail to St Lucia.. Game on! Yeeew!


Glad you gave an update… you’re living the dream!


that sounds sweet as man.
Im really happy for you grin


Aaron, you are going to love Puerto Rico and St. Lucia is amazing… So beautiful!!! If you end up going to St. Barts at all, take a look at all the super yachts they have there.. It’s unbelievable smile


Oh and how did you enjoy the bahamas?


Nice pick up dude. Enjoy it


Sweet ride / job / lifestyle.

You are going to have loads of fun. Kudos to you dude.


Gosh he’s living the dream!
Where do I sign up?