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In the news…


WTF Planking seriously people cant think of something better to do.  Frick step it up and do something hard… Do a handstand and take a photo at least then you have to be fit.

Stupid people


More terrible news with a Father and his kids, this one a tragedy.


West Gate Bridge, Sydney Harbour and now this guy.

Do you think the system needs reviewing?


Does anyone else find this a bit odd? Ashton Kutcher to play the role of Charlie in Two and a Half Men. Not to mention getting paid $700,000 an episode ‘plus incentives’ to do so.

‘I won the lotto’: Kutcher makes his debut as a Men man

Ashton Kutcher made his public debut as a cast member on sitcom Two and a Half Men when he joined co-stars Jon Cryer and Angus T Jones at a TV industry event in New York.

The trio hit the stage on Wednesday at the CBS Upfronts and Kutcher compared his new gig with winning the lottery.

“In my 13 years of showbusiness, I have never received more calls and emails for getting this job. It’s almost like I won the lotto. And I kind of did.”

Kutcher will replace fired star Charlie Sheen on the show when it returns after a lengthy hiatus later this year.

CBS entertainment president Nina Tassler said: “Well, it’s been an educational few months for us. Thanks to a tweet ... we all learned the square root of 6.25.” Tassler was referring to Kutcher’s tweet that he sent out after THR confirmed he would be joining the comedy.

“We could not be happier to actor, producer and multimedia mogul Ashton Kutcher joining the cast of Two And a Half Men,” she said.

Kutcher is making $700,000 per episode plus incentives.

Full article HERE.


It doesnt make sense at all! I can see him playing the part of Future Jake, but not Charlie!


I’m just interested to see how they write him into the show. He’s so different to Charlie Sheen. I heard they were also looking at Hugh Grant to play the role.

EDIT: Also there’s no word yet if he’s even going to play Charlie’s role. If not, how are they going to explain Charlie leaving the show and leaving his house? Hmmmm


All sing: freeze a jolly good fellow
18 May, 2011 07:51 AM
Perisher will open its slopes to skiers three weeks earlier than expected this year after impressive snowfalls and cooler than usual temperatures.
The NSW resort was scheduled to officially open on June 10 but will now open its gates to skiers and snowboarders on Friday.

Up to 25cm of snow already covers parts of the resort and more is expected to fall in the coming weeks.

Perisher spokesman Neil Thew said a bumper ski season looked likely for resorts across the country.

‘‘Reports say we are due for a good season and it looks like it is going to happen,’’ he said.

‘‘It’s the end of La Nina which brings moisture.

‘‘We’ve had a wet summer which means good snow falls are likely.’‘

The resort will open its Front Valley on Friday and the V8 chairlift on Saturday.

Mr Thew said there was a chance the resort would shut again before its official opening on June 10.

‘‘After the weekend we will monitor the weather and re-evaluate whether we remain open. There’s a potential it will remain open. We have received good snow so we thought why let it go to waste.’‘

Proceeds from lift tickets sold this weekend will go towards charity.

Snowfalls have already caused partial road closures of the Great Western Highway in the central tablelands.

Early snow has also dusted the ACT’s Brindabellas and Namadgi National Park.

rider26 - 19 May 2011 03:43 AM

EDIT: Also there’s no word yet if he’s even going to play Charlie’s role. If not, how are they going to explain Charlie leaving the show and leaving his house? Hmmmm

Many options due to his characters (and his) lifestyle:
illness/death due to drinking/smoking/drugs
Jail term for drugs, drink driving, paying for sex
Killed/kidnapped by pimps, bookies, debt collectors


im sure they will kill him off well.

the producers wil try get theirs back on his character


Planking…...... the saga continues

Should the Prime Minister use the next COAG meeting to secure sign-off from the States on a national anti-planking strategy? If so, what form should the campaign take?

It’s simply not enough for Julia Gillard to declare herself tough on planking and tough on the causes of planking. Maybe we need a well-funded advertising campaign, backed up with appearances by celebrities in the schools, to drive home some powerful anti-planking messages. Friends don’t let friends drink and plank. Re-think your first plank. Drink. Plank. Bloody idiot.

The truly chilling thing about the planking juggernaut is that trends such as these are generally followed by even edgier forms of behaviour, whereby the young people seek more illicit risk-taking thrills in a bid to out-do one another. The schoolyard yo-yo craze of the 1970s was followed by the emergence of crack cocaine in the inner-cities in the 1980s. For a while we liked Abba, but then we got into Kiss. There are other examples that could also be made up and inserted here. Feel free to send them in.

The vertical world now seems a distant memory, as everyone from the staff at the Woolworths deli counter to the young women at Adelaide’s Walford Anglican School for Girls chooses to get horizontal. It is only a matter of time until Al Qaeda releases a planking video, or one of the nation’s top hospitals is mired in scandal when footage emerges of a patient being planked by a rogue radiologist while under general anaesthetic.

I am not sure what was sillier – the fact that Julia Gillard was asked by journalists for her views on planking, or that she chose to answer the question. Not that Gillard should be singled out. Tony Abbott has also entered the debate (he’s against it). As has NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell, although to his credit he struggled to wipe the smirk off his face as he looked down the camera and said whatever you do kids, don’t plank.

At the other end of the humour spectrum were the Queensland Police who declared last week without so much as a smile that they were about to launch an “all-out blitz” on planking. Hopefully we’ll see those signs on the side of the road soon. Police now targeting: Planking.

It says something about our propensity for wanting the state to protect us from our own stupidity that politicians and law enforcement agencies are being dragged into this non-debate. The fact that people have died or been seriously injured pursuing their love of the plank is obviously terribly sad. But at the same time, it is hard to see what can or should be done about it. It’s understandable that the relatives of those who have hurt themselves, or worse, have lashed out and blamed this unusual epidemic on the evil of the internet and the rise of social media, and demanded that young people should be warned about the inherent dangers of high-risk planking. Celebrities such as Sam Newman, who unnecessarily confirmed his stupidity by planking on the balcony of his high-rise Melbourne apartment, have been condemned as poor role models.

Whatever. The whole issue seems to be such a painfully obvious question of personal responsibility, on a topic which is so patently ridiculous, that it’s hard to muster the air to enter the debate.



awesome post!


And I thought that the Gillard Government was gonna bring out the “Building Utilities for The Planking Revolution In City Kids Scheme”????

Or colloquially known as “But Pricks” for short, to try and combat this modern day affliction on society!!!!!!