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fired and kicked out into the snow

today i woke up and did some housekeeping only to go downstairs get breakfast and the idea was to go ride and shoot the last day of stylewars but the new guy at work decided to abuse the manager and was about to punch him when the head chef came up and told him and me to get out in two hours. me doing nothing wrong freaked out and pretty much sat in the kitchen on my own thinking of what the fuck to do, next thing i know the new guy throws a plate at the wall and smashes all over me then tells me the boss is throwing all my stuff down the stairs that stuff is 1500 dollars worth of camera gear 1000 dollars worth of laptop and my phone all because i was sitting in the room with a really angry person abusing the boss. i booked the bus back to melbourne at 4 30 and while i waited down the bottom at oversnow transport the boss comes down and tells me i didnt have to leave and that it was only the other guy and when i asked why he threw all my stuff out of the attic (like a 8 foot drop) he changes the subject and asks if he owes me money i say yes, he dosent call me back until half an hour before my bus leaves i call him and he says he will sort it out, as im on the bus he runs on gives me 20 of the about 80 dollars he owes me and says he hopes i come back and work for him next year.

thanks for reading

can i win a contest now?


f your life dude. :(
i feel really bad for you on some many different levels.
I do hope things turn out better for you…..


he busted a lot more than $80 of stuff it sounds like.


Nelson that is soo uncool man, who was your boss? If you want me to collect for you let me know I will put the smackdown on him for ya. Throwing peoples stuff around especially cameras/computers etc is BS!


Sorry to hear that


Where were you working?


hey man that is so not on! where were you working what was your bosses name? can you give us the full story.


Feathertop Lodge. so heavy man.
The manager j*** ***** fired my two friends because he told john not to treat his girlfriend bad anymore and then told me if i go talk to them im fired and joked about firing me because he thought i wrote down too many hours that i worked. Then a couple of days later he told me that i had to go downstairs and let his friend who was coming up for the weekend take my room and i had to sleep in the old sauna that was a spare room with no windows that came of the new guys room and the new guys girlfriend was coming up for the weekend and he was totaly against that so thats why the whole him abusing the boss thing happened and my good friend the chef B**** kicked him out and me which was really wierd as i literally never did anything wrong pretty bad stuff so im pretty pissed of about the whole thing. also the fact that that i helped the head chef brian with his resume and took photos and made slideshows and stuff for him and he said he would pay me pretty effing annoyed about that nah dw about it nudge the new said he was going to tell his lawyer and he said his mates are coming up to sort them all out so im staying the hell away from all that shit


thats so f-ed….
are you planning to take any legal action?
Im still young so i may not know much about this but were you a casual or a permanent worker? If you were permanent, he cant just kick you out like that.


That really sucks. You should have tried to stay and reason more with the boss.

Did any of your gear get damaged?


Sorry to hear it Nelson, that sucks. If he owes you money you should investigate your legal rights. You shouldn’t be treated that way.

Dude, give me a shout when you get settled in Melbourne. I will have some Boardworld photography work for you if you are interested.

Always look on the bright side…  smile


in melbourne right now hit us up i leave back to western australia next saturday, nah nothing damaged except my latop chargers like prong things were all bent flat so thats pretty effed. the money thing would be too hard as he was paying me cash cos hes such a stinge and theres no way any of them would part with thier money if they had to.
what sort of work jeremy?
yeah i know bright side is joy my birthday 15 of september and got my parklife ticket for the 27th of september.

yeah also for my hassels the next pair of skullcandy headphones you get i would froth on them just send the bill to 14 parralel street falls creek



Hey nelson, I will call you today. It’s skate photography work.


One day that fucktard will try to pull that shit on the wrong person, the wrong person will then rearrange his fucken facial features for him.  Karma is a bitch.


That is rough dude and real effed up.  When I read that your gear got thrown I cringed big time.  That dude has some serious serious issues.


Yeah, when I saw the “8 ft drop” for your gear I was like… >_<!!!!
Some bosses are just fkin retards to work for.
He had no right to treat you the way he did, nor throw your gear around. Take it to the workplace ombudsman and they’ll sort him out, could be a protracted process though..
I’m a firm believer in Karma, so he’s got it coming..