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Poll: Do ya use a stomp pad????
Total Votes: 40

Another no from me..

If I have to scrape snow off my boot I just use the top of my highback


my old board has metal star shaped studs on it only cause i got them with some gear from dogfunk.

my new board wont have a stomp pad at all. i dont see the need, i just jam my boot up against my back binding.


My older boards have them, but the two that i use now dont have them. One, I think why would I want to ugly up the awesome top sheet of my boards? Two, I dont even notice not having them now. I can ride one foot easily without them now anyways. Even on Tbars, and even riding Tbars switch with my other foot strapped in. Its what you get used too really.


I haven’t used one in about 4-5 years. I had one board (Option Mirror) with a matte topsheet and thought I’d give it a jam without buying a stomp pad. It was fine, and I could skate, turn and ollie pretty well without any help. So when I got my next board, again I thought I’d leave the pad off and see how I went. 3 boards later, no stomp pad, no worries!

For turning, I use the toe of my rear foot to pressure the toeside or heelside edge and can control things pretty well as long as you keep your knees bent. If I’m cruising on a flat groomer I actually find it more stable to keep my free foot closer to the front foot instead of jammed up against the rear binding.

My favourite trick now on long open groomers is to unstrap, and then bring my back foot around behind the front foot onto the nose of the board, then pressure it into a nosepress. So fun, and when it goes bad, it looks really awkward smile


Yeah, the rear foot closer to the front on groomers sounds like it makes sense!!!!!! Would feel more stable at some sort of increased speed yeah????


I suppose. You just have to pick a natural, relaxed stance. So much of snowboarding is about being balanced and comfortable, and working with the mountain instead of against it. The best advice I ever gave someone on riding either flatbased or one-footed was “try to do absolutely nothing”. If you’re totally relaxed, and only respond when you need to, you’ll be fine.

Lanners - 22 May 2011 01:45 AM

i don’t use stomp pads because they are pointless.. and they do nothing… my opinion

mine to. lots of the one footed tricks you move your foot around anyway and there may be a couple of pros that use them but the vast majority dont. they are just a nice littler earner for the companies….my opiono smile


Honestly, how many of us are doing one footed tricks? I know I’m not! haha only the occasional muck around making a tool of myself LOL


Stomp pad, it depends on the board, some have really slippery topsheets, others have a stickier one.

I have this little ‘button’ on my board, so I guess my answer is yes.

Then there are places where you wish you had one, like those notorious unloading ramps at Baker.


I use them, got some of the metallic spikes which just hold the boot still. Can ride without them but thats something that I put on 2 years ago and haven’t touched since… And since I lose every competition that BW puts out, I’m not looking at a new one anytime soon lol.

For all newbies buying boards, I will always tell them to get the spikes as it makes it so much easier for them… Last thing you want is a newbie who falls over at the lifts, gets hurt and then quits and goes and gets some planks.. :(

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 24 May 2011 12:02 AM

Honestly, how many of us are doing one footed tricks? I know I’m not! haha only the occasional muck around making a tool of myself LOL

I love one foot tricks!
I haven’t tried much aerial stuff yet but I can do no comply boardslides now.
And I think having some studs on the board gives me confidence that my foot won’t slip off balancing on a rail or during the landing.

I didn’t have any studs for ages when I got my new board and could still 1 foot and do (some) 1 foot tricks, but it’s kinda like skateboarding with out grip tape.

I totally agree they’re not necessary if your an intermediate boarder or better who isn’t interested in 1 foot tricks.

But if your learning to snowboard or you want to learn 1 foot tricks then why not?

finney - 22 May 2011 07:56 AM

Another no from me..

If I have to scrape snow off my boot I just use the top of my highback

Then you end up with snow exactly were your about to put your foot!

I would prefer not to have a stomp pad but they are practical.
1. I (used to) ride one footed a lot.
2. Help remove snow from boot so my boot fits my binding properly.

I use the metal stud stomp pads (O&E I think).

Gamblor - 22 May 2011 05:41 AM

I don’t use stomp pads just because it’s not cool.

No, and for the same reason. Although I often regret it when I’m doing the ‘one foot to the lift’ thing…:)


In my opinion, any old stomp pad works


I WANT one!  Just because the top of my board is ridiculously slippery - I still manage the T-bars etc but it would be soooo much easier if I knew my foot wasn’t gonna slip off.  No ‘one-foot’ tricks for me just yet!!

Love that wedgie video LOL  LOL  LOL  poor bugger…