The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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I’ll try to get this one in!!!!!
one minute to go
Dude, that was a close one !!!!!!
So what you doing tomorrow Mizu?
I’ll have to go get a refund on all of these Dooms Day survival kits that I bought!!!!!
Life’s still peachy here in Canada…
This religious group that predicted this, where do they go from here after being wrong!? I heard some people even quit their jobs and ‘ran for the hills’!
Bahahahahahahahahaa!!!!! Imagine the shit they’re gonna cop when they go to get their job back!!!!!!
Yeh or imagine the type of guy who borrowed a sh*tload of $ off a loan shark, Armageddon style LOL
F**K I must be old . . how many times has the world been about to end already?! i WISH THESE RELIGIOUS FANATICS would get their stories straight or consolidate or something! For Real.
Some of us are pretending to be real people here . . . . . .
Old Harold Camping got it wrong!!!!!!
He now remembers that it will all come to an end on 21/10/11!!!!!!
Lucky that the Shred is in September hey!!!!!!
It was planned that way, the last good thing before ‘RAPTURE”
Ohhh!!!!! So that was the Support Band!!!!!