The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


What are you looking forward to?


Bali tomorrow for 7 days, can’t wait!


ok gamblor wins


i was just going to say nbeachesguy wins. I’d rather have 7 days in bali than a 5 hour slog to ride sketch snow


yeh i guess…but its been so long since i have had snow i may choose the hike…can it be followed by 7 nights in bali? or is that just asking for too much? haha


Looking forward to Gamblors write up, photos (and me hopes headcam footage wink ) from this Saturday.


oh noes - can’t back out now! raspberry
no headcam footage. can’t be bothered to carry the gopro as the riding will be more ‘survival’ boarding than anything. Also, no top to bottom runs, just safety zone to safety zone regroup repeat.
I will have my lumix though, which can take video, so that option will be available


Looking forward to lunch, my stomach is grumbling
Looking forward to going home and having a shower - been gardening with my class for the last hour!
(I’m teaching now, promise wink - they have some free time smile )


Looking forward to getting my new ThirtyTwo boots!
Looking forward to the weekend, doing glass blowing, should be a bit of fun!
Looking forward to getting to the snow and using my new board!
Looking forward to my wedding!
Looking forward to a trip to the US!

nthnbeachesguy - 19 May 2011 01:37 AM

Bali tomorrow for 7 days, can’t wait!

Have a great time, mate. Looking forward to hearing about it!


Will have plenty of pics as per usual from the trip I imagine!

nthnbeachesguy - 19 May 2011 04:25 AM

Will have plenty of pics as per usual from the trip I imagine!

Sweet!!!! Don’t leave us hangin too long!!!!


Definitely the BW shred!

Billy - 19 May 2011 02:55 AM

Looking forward to going home and having a shower - been gardening with my class for the last hour!
(I’m teaching now, promise wink - they have some free time smile )

Well can ya explain why the gardening is taking place in YOUR Backyard????


Looking forward to getting my new snow gear.
Looking forward to finally setting up a longboard.
Looking forward to finally getting the move sorted.

Mizu Kuma - 19 May 2011 05:39 AM
Billy - 19 May 2011 02:55 AM

Looking forward to going home and having a shower - been gardening with my class for the last hour!
(I’m teaching now, promise wink - they have some free time smile )

Well can ya explain why the gardening is taking place in YOUR Backyard????

I wouldn’t let them near my garden the way they were hacking out plants (thinking they were weeds) today! arrgh, will sleep well tonight
