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I’ve been thinking about the future a bit lately, I will leave off posting my thoughts for now as I don’t want to influence peoples ideas but I think it’d be cool to see what we all thought about how the world might look going forward.


I have been thinking about this lately.

Well in regards to technology, the changes I have seen in my life are amazing.

My kids can’t remember life before the internet or ipods.  big surprise

I think we will have lots more choice in regards to what we are able to watch, not that it will be any better. I would also hope that the connection we have can be used early warning disaster notification and the like.

We seem to be becoming more in tune with the Earth, the uptake of renewable, passive energy sources is far greater and affordable. Hopefully governments will legislate that new homes must have this technology installed.


My outlook is rather bleak!!!!! Sorry to put a downer on things!!!!!

I really think that the Earth will inevitably end up like the other planets in our Solar System!!!!! Hostile and Void of Life as we know it!!!!! most likely cause will be the Sun Burnin out!!!!!

I just don’t have a date for it!!!!!! Probably Millions of years perhaps???? Who knows!!!!!!


Time to refill that glass Miz !!!!

Azz - 17 May 2011 10:17 AM

Time to refill that glass Miz !!!!

That’ll make it 8 times tonight!!!!!  ohh

Mizu Kuma - 17 May 2011 10:15 AM

My outlook is rather bleak!!!!! Sorry to put a downer on things!!!!!

I really think that the Earth will inevitably end up like the other planets in our Solar System!!!!! Hostile and Void of Life as we know it!!!!! most likely cause will be the Sun Burnin out!!!!!

I just don’t have a date for it!!!!!! Probably Millions of years perhaps???? Who knows!!!!!!

If human life survives on this planet until the sun supernovas then a) i’d be shocked (if i wasn’t dead already) b) happy days (I guess…)


It seems to me like it’s quite popular to slate america.  This mostly is due to it’s foreign policy and perhaps because people always hate the big guy.  I’ve been very guilty of it in my time and even quite recently.  However I’ve been trying to look to the future, say 30 years from now.  It’s not inconcievable, you could argue most probably, that China will be the global super power that America is today.  What would the world be like then, would quarms about americas conduct seem trivial by comparison or do you think china would be a better world leading power? 

I personally have my concerns but they’re not concreted in by any means and it’s possible the world will be a lighter place, but I personally am dubious.  Thoughts?


this thread made me look up the nostradamus prophecies. Pretty neat stuff!


reading up on his works it is simply stunning/scary some of his predictions…


The best tip I’ve got for predicting the future is the same I was given for predicting the weather;

Plan for tomorrow assuming it will be the same as today. < 90% of the time it is right. Also look to our past and it will reveal answers for the future.

30 years from now; ~A spazdiction~
Humans will be in the technological clouds.
If or when we extinguish ourselves (or nature does) no hard records of our grand achievements will be left behind. Future humans (say 10,000 years on) will view us as simpletons the same way we view races from 10,000 years ago. 

A global community
Communication technology will be advanced.
Aircraft travel will be super-seeded by space jumping and a trip to the other side of the planet will take an hours flight time.
Cars will be driven for recreation.
Fossil fuel will still be used as we will find a cheaper way to extract the other 90% of the worlds available resources. It will be used more efficiently.

The rich will still get richer…
By means of making the poor poorer.

I do not think communism will rule the planet - enough Chinese are fighting their government from within China - that if they attempt globalisation, with the free worlds support, an uprising will overthrow them.
^ through (idealistic) communism is the only way I see throwing off the shackles of the rich profiting from the poor. Ideal communism is a great concept that is quickly destroyed by POWER.

It’s possible we have the “second coming” or the poles will change in polarity. But I’m planning the next 30 years based on what the past 30 years gave us.


QUOTE———> 30 years from now; ~A spazdiction~
Humans will be in the technological clouds.
If or when we extinguish ourselves <——-QUOTE

An enigmatic statement….what do you mean by technological clouds?

I’m kind of inclined to agree with E. O. Wilson’s view of communism….Great theory, wrong species.

Nice use of spazdiction btw.


“Cloud” computing.
ie; nothing physical, electrical and radio signals requiring precise and matching technology to see it.

I likes the wrong species statement.  wink


Are you talking about something like: people being uploaded (digitised) and living virtual lives of their choosing in massively powerful simulators?  If so I think this is also the way it’s going to go but i’d say more like 100 years then 30 maybe even more….30 years would be dope, we’d all get to have a go…sadly i think we’re going to be amoung the last few humans to miss out on this world of epic fun/ridiculously scary nightmares….


No, no no no no….
And I would extend the time frame to 1000years before we achieve that. In 100 years we should ba able to extend our lifespan to live 1000.

I’m more thinking record keeping, paper work, education, photos, video - all being kept in main frame servers in wealthy countries. Much of which has begun already.

Just imagine how little of the last 10years records would be available if all harddrives worldwide were scrubbed? Like by a powerful solar flare!


like the ...shit the name of the company escapes me, but there is a “cloud” i.e.  a server where you upload all your stuff so you dont have to keep a physical copy of anything. you can access it anywhere you go on the net.

If everyone eventually does that, what happens when there is a catastrophic meltdown/shutdown of said servers. bye,bye data.

spaz - 18 May 2011 11:37 AM

No, no no no no….
And I would extend the time frame to 1000years before we achieve that. In 100 years we should ba able to extend our lifespan to live 1000.

Just imagine how little of the last 10years records would be available if all harddrives worldwide were scrubbed? Like by a powerful solar flare!

In response to the first paragraph,

I think they’re making good progress towards synatheising brains although i’m not an expert, I still think a few hundred years at most.  Regarding living to 1000, do you think this would be popular?  I mean do you hang on as an old person for decade after decade?

And in response to the second,

If such a flare occured, again i’m not an expert but I think we as basically thin skinned bags of water would be in a fair bit of trouble, the effect on our hard drives would be low on our list of worries.