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Osama Bin Laden confirmed dead


Rashard Mendenhall tweets some totally valid comments but post 9/11 American narrow-mindedness kicks in. ‘if you’re not for us then you must be a traitor’



I do agree with this statement that he made - “What kind of person celebrates death?”

But he also said - “We’ll never know what really happened. I just have a hard time believing a plane could take a skyscraper down demolition style,”

WTF???? Did he think that it was a movie???

deanobruce - 04 May 2011 10:46 PM

haha thats great deano

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 04 May 2011 11:42 PM
deanobruce - 04 May 2011 10:46 PM

haha thats great deano

Mizu Kuma - 04 May 2011 11:13 PM


I do agree with this statement that he made - “What kind of person celebrates death?”

But he also said - “We’ll never know what really happened. I just have a hard time believing a plane could take a skyscraper down demolition style,”

WTF???? Did he think that it was a movie???

i guess you never read the conspiracy theories. They say something like plane fuel wouldn’t burn hot enough to melt steel and the way the towers collapsed were more similar to a building demolition with explosives at the supports


Yeah I saw/heard/read heaps of stuff like that, we were bombarded with media sensationalism non stop after it had happened, but do you believe that load of crap????


not that I believe in it, that’s just what that guy was implying by demolitions.
The conspiracy theories are interesting but even if they were true, they don’t affect me. I have better things to worry about than a government coverup of something.

Gamblor - 05 May 2011 02:29 AM

not that I believe in it, that’s just what that guy was implying by demolitions.
The conspiracy theories are interesting but even if they were true, they don’t affect me. I have better things to worry about than a government coverup of something.

I think that people that are obsessed with the “Government is out to get me” mentality, are lunatics!!!!!

We had a guy at work that was very intelligent, yet he was always talkin conspiracy theories!!!!!

Like there’s people out there that are conspirin to get a middle aged steel worker that lives in Dapto, with a pet duck!!!!!  grrr


An interesting read….i remember hearing him described as the cleverest man on the planet some years ago….personally speaking I think his views (in this article) are perhaps willfully naive.

Mizu Kuma - 04 May 2011 11:13 PM


I do agree with this statement that he made - “What kind of person celebrates death?”

Without even thinking….


When given some thought, celebrating death is considered to be the only trait that separates human from animal.

Celebrating death gives human’s spiritual awareness. Even most atheists partake in spiritual pursuits.
Take surfing as an example; Eddie Aiku’s death is widely celebrated to the extent that he could be considered a martyr.

Murder is celebrated to the same degree - even mass murder is justified and forgiven if it is done by the side you are on, to defend your belief.

The basics of “survival in numbers” comes into play - the U.S. military have justified their actions even though they contravened all human rights to achieve the result. They have the power and they can do what they want and if you aren’t on the side of this playground bully, they will bully you into submission.

OBL’s death is reminder that no-one can stand up to the U.S.A. They are more powerful than the United Nations, they are above basic human rights and they can murder who they want.

They have taken the role of judge, jury and executioner. They don’t give a f u c k as long as the ‘American Way’ is maintained and forced upon everyone else.


^^^ im with him tbh.