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Poll: See opening post.
Total Votes: 18
Azz - 18 May 2011 03:27 AM

I love the taste of cow, so if I were to be one, I would be forced to eat myself cheese


K2_SnatchCrewSader - 18 May 2011 03:31 AM

Thing is, if you are a human you know things are shit. How much does a cow think about other than eating, shitting, sleeping and the occasional mating. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me. Most cows live similarly around the world. Its not like it would be thinking “if i was human someone wouldnt be growing me to eat me”.


Aidy - 18 May 2011 09:45 AM
K2_SnatchCrewSader - 18 May 2011 03:31 AM

and the occasional mating. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.


One little problem!!!!! Or should that be Big problem???? The “Cow” is the receiver!!!!! The Bull on the other hand…........

BOOM might have been the best response Aidy!!!!!  big surprise






Should be MooOOOOO!!!!!




I like to groove in the moo!



I voted cow, because i wanted to see the poll results, if i’m honest i’m still undecided…


Yeah I have to go ‘human’ hands down. I’d hate to end up as a McDonalds burger.  sick


Perhaps I didn’t make this clear, if you pick human, you are like a human in all respects including fore knowledge of things (eg. death).  Similarly if you pick cow, you are like a cow in all respects, ie. you have very little if any fore knowledge (eg. you’re not aware, let alone scared of death)


I’d still take human. Best case scenario for human is better than best case scenario for cow. I’m taking the gamble…


that’s more like it!!!  If I chose human that would be my exact logic.


Of course I’ll think too deeply on this; (and if I had decent internet would look up stats)

Population of cows/number of cows in India. What odds would are there that I would be born in India and worshiped.

Even if born here as a cow, life wouldn’t be so bad - I would be revered and treated well. Doesn’t Australia have the largest population of marbled beef - thats a cow that’s fed beer and a fatty diet to increase the tenderness and flavour of the meat. mmmmmm free beer and chips all day long.
Even our big cattle farms are nice - large areas to wonder through natural wilderness that’s the size of a small country free until my time is up.

I wouldn’t want to be a dairy cow though.

One of the most disturbing sounds I’ve ever herd was a cattle truck stopped on the side of the road with the cows crying - I could tell they were upset and calling for help and imagined they knew their destiny. I knew there destiny. mmmmmm McDonalds…...
Even after death my body parts are consumed as a declaration of my greatness.

I can only have these thoughts because I’m human - If I were a cow and this question was posed would I be able to contemplate how good my life is as a cow and if I could and I decided life as a cow was not for me would I rever the life of humans from my simple pov?

Existentialism is not an ability cows have (as fas as we humans know) so if choosing cow I may be stuck as cow for the rest of eternity. Which might not be so bad.

But as a human, life is difficult. 95% of us live in poverty - the chances of being born in the 5% is only 5%. Not good odds

But as human I can contemplate an existentialist existence as a cow even if born in poverty and oppression, as human I can escape my physical binds with my mind.

As a cow I am just a cow.

spaz - 18 May 2011 10:13 PM

Population of cows/number of cows in India. What odds would are there that I would be born in India and worshiped.

Mmmmmm…..... Beef Vindaloo!!!!!!