The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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ya come up with, what ya think is a great idea, only to have it torn down in front of ya very eyes!!!!!!
I hate it when you see a friend down and out because no one likes his ideas
find out that ya only got one friend!!!!!
ya come up with, what ya think is a great thread, only to have it torn down in front of ya very eyes!!!!!!
dont ya hate when its hated!!!
ya come up with, what ya think is a great thread, only to have it torn down in front of ya very eyes!!!!!!
when someone points out exactly what ya were talkin about in the first place!!!!!
Dont ya hate it when you are ready for the weekend and you wake to reality that its only Monday!
Dont ya hate it when you are ready for the weekend and you wake to reality that its only Monday!
That is the worssssst feeling ever!!!
ya on Boardworld and ya forget about the soup, until ya smell somethin burnin!!!!!
Dont you hate it when they wifi at home is buggered for a month and it causes your mobile bill to go up to $230!!!!!!
Dont you hate it when they wifi at home is buggered for a month and it causes your mobile bill to go up to $230!!!!!!
Ouch K2
ya come up with, what ya think is a great idea, only to have it torn down in front of ya very eyes!!!!!!
hehehehe… oh now I feel bad
ya come up with, what ya think is a great idea, only to have it torn down in front of ya very eyes!!!!!!
hehehehe… oh now I feel bad
And so ya should Dan!!!!! Go stand in front of a mirror and have a long hard look at yaself!!!!!
Don’t you hate it when…..
1.You drive 400km (of 500) and remember you left a bag in the living room. A bag containing linnen, towels, all my hoodies and shoes!!!!
I’m now relegated to smelly Ugg boots, sorels or snowboard boots all week. (I borrowed linen and towel).
2. Arrive in Thredbo, plug in computer and find out the new (top end) modem only receives GPRS… but worse realise you have a modem that gets broadband in Thredbo only you left it next to the pocket WiFi on charge in your bedroom.
At least I won’t be able to rack up the phone bill surfing the net because it only receives GPRS as well - iPhone.
And ya took 5 days to prepare???? What the heel were ya doin????
Preparing is different to packing the car and leaving in time to get to school - including making lunch, platting hair, breakfast and goodbyes.
What was I doing - yesterday I built an off-road billycart for my daughter. Spewin I didn’t take a photo of it…. IT’S EPIC!!!!!!!