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In the news…


I thought it would be a good idea to keep interesting news articles here for discussion.

I read this on today; some dude fell to his death while ‘planking’. To be honest I’ve never even heard of it before. Seems to me the police/authorities are trying to say planking is dangerous and not fun. Whatever, the guy who fell seven storeys to his death was stupid for trying to climb over a balcony on the seventh storey. A very tragic accident no doubt. It’s just crazy the way the media try to present a story. He wasn’t a ‘Planker’ - he was a young man who tragically lost his life.

Link here:


heard about that this morning also. my mates have been doing this for years on all of their overseas trips/nights out. i havent been into it cause..well i dont see the point. im suprised it has taken this long to get “big” so to speak…actually no im suprised it is “big” at all. one funny one i heard of was a guy got done for doing it on a cop car. he posted it on face book and then got a court attendance notice


Stoked they didn’t see this one on Facebook…


Who did that ?!!!!


I trust that’s photoshopped Rider…...otherwise props of course!

On the original post, now this might sound a tad harsh but in my view the most tragic thing is that it wasn’t quite dumb enough to qualify for the darwin awards.


It wasn’t photoshopped. Azz, I’d prefer not say (especially after the cop car planker got charged). I’m sure you can work it out though…  oh oh


hahahahahaha. First time I’ve heard about planking. As I read this thread before clicking on the link, I imagined ‘planking’ as using a plank to run across high buildings, from roofs or balconies. I can tell you I was really surprised to find that it’s just all about lying on your stomach for a picture. Wow. As if people will still be doing this in 6 months….

As for the guy dying, well, if it wasn’t planking, the guy may have been walking/standing on the balcony. People do dangerous things for fun all the time and this guy slipped and died. There’s no need for a big outcry about the activity he was doing.


hahaha @cop car sticker.

i do remember reading years ago in a car mag that a subscriber tried to stick a sticker of said magazine on the windscreen of a cop car at amccas and was caught. cant recall the punishment tho…


I think that if ya “Plank” on a hand rail that is that bloody high that ya can fall to ya death from it, ya a Wanker!!!!!

Therefore the guy wasn’t technically “Planking”, he was “Wanking”!!!!!


Planker, Wanker, same shit different bucket*

*Unless of course it is myself or a mate and we think it is very funny

rider26 - 15 May 2011 11:14 PM

Azz, I’d prefer not say (especially after the cop car planker got charged).

Charged with what? Reckless use of a sticker in a public place?  rolleyes


defacing public/government property id guess?

Azz - 16 May 2011 03:13 AM
rider26 - 15 May 2011 11:14 PM

Azz, I’d prefer not say (especially after the cop car planker got charged).

Charged with what? Reckless use of a sticker in a public place?  rolleyes


He could always plead the case of “once bein a figure skater”!!!!!  LOL

rider26 - 15 May 2011 10:44 PM

Stoked they didn’t see this one on Facebook…

Well done!!! I love it shaka



But what the, Planking!? I’d never heard of it but had a look at the pics in the link and read Gamblor’s post. That is just retarded ohh

Dan83 - 16 May 2011 09:05 AM


But what the, Planking!? I’d never heard of it but had a look at the pics in the link and read Gamblor’s post. That is just retarded ohh

Agreed, planking is shitest thing going!