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The NBA Thread


I’ve got a lot of respect for the Celtics and I understand how emotional the playoffs can be. All I’ll say is I’m happy we won. Great game to watch…


Pretty close game at half time… Come on Heat!  cool grin


SHIT!!! I completely forgot! i actually have work to do today but screw it, im following this

edit- the words i want to say will only be blocked out anyway…


What an amazing finish to a great game. I was literally on the edge of my seat. Great win for the Heat, well played Boston. Boston are such a good team and they battled super hard. Can’t hide my excitement though, I’m completely stoked! Eastern Conference Finals here we come!  cool grin


im going for bulls now…haha

thats the beginning of the end for the celtics for the next few seasons. Getting fairly old to keep running around with the young kids i think, i hope i am seriously and completely wrong but…


Bulls through. Very convincing game 6 win. Looking forward to game 1 of Heat vs Bulls on Sunday. Should be a cracker of a series!

Memphis vs OKC… bring on game 7! Meanwhile, I hope Dallas are getting lazy from all this time off.

Deano, did you hear the news? Doc Rivers has signed on for another 5 years.


yh i read it this morning, i was suprised, i was thinking he would have time out. his kids are coming through college now and there was talk he would take a back seat and follow them playing in the college program.

So pumped he is sticking around!

Now to rebuild for next year… im hoping the grizzlies get through. but i can split bulls and miami. in my heart i want miami to get swept but the head is no where near sure on which way it will go


I guess it was hard for him to say no to $35 million over the next 5 years. $7 million a year isn’t a bad paycheck.


yeh i could live with it… haha


game 1 today, bulls vs heat.  come on bulls! haha


And then there were four… solid win by OKC today.

LET’S GO HEAT! LET’S GO HEAT!  cool grin


yeh i just saw the end of it. i wanted the grizzlies to go through, was talking to a mate about this yesterday. imagine if you put money on the grizzlies to win at the start of the season, or even to mae the 2nd round of the playoffs…i wonder what it was paying?


And to think they did it without Rudy Gay. Reminds me of the Knicks many, many years ago (98/99). They were the number 8 seed in the East and went all the way to the NBA finals (much to my displeasure as they knocked out my numer 1 seeded Heat in the first round).


All I have to say is…



haha well gotta say im happy with the result of game 1!

chris bosh goes from having an average post season to top scoring with 30!