The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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Knuckle sandwich = A fist punch
Technicolour yawn
Technicolour yawn= Vomit
“Hair Like A Bush Pig Ass”
unmanageable hair
Awning over the toy shop = The Beer Gut
That’s awesome!!! Never heard that one
unmanageable hair
My favourite day
Piss Off Early Tomorrows Saturday
Joe Blake
Joe Blake= Snake
Dark As Three Feet Up A Cow’s Arsehole
Dark As Three Feet Up A Cow’s Arsehole = Pretty Bloody Dark
“Bangs Like A Dunny Door” (Watch the language on this one!!!!)
Bangs like a dunny door = it’s Sexy right?! No really, in light of Mizu’s concern for language my answer is {crass} {of a woman} promiscuous in nature.
I don’t want to give this one away (too easy in a sentence) so mine is:
Barney= Fight or Argument
One Armed Bandit
I have barely known any of these this is great, learning so much lol!
One Armed Bandit = Slot machine with lever on the side (Pity we don’t have many of them in Australia)
Hump Day
Humpday = Wednesday
Snot Block
Snot Block = Tissue or handkerchief???
White Pointers
Snot block = vanilla slice I think?
Snot block = vanilla slice I think?
Oh, that makes ya feel like one now, doesn’t it!!!!!
I was thinkin jelly or somethin???? Billy could be right!!!!! K2 must be hungover still!!!!! Your go Billy!!!!!