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Dr Helen Caldicott - Nuclear disaster talk - Thoughts?


What do you make of this? Pretty scary stuff!  gulp 

Dr Helen Caldicott - Fukushima Nuclear Disaster- You won’t hear this on the Main Stream News.

Nuclear Facts you’d be more comfortable not knowing from a very clued up professional who will not be bought or intimidated into silence: Dr Helen Caldicott, true to style, tells it as it is/as she sees it/like you wont usually hear it. To find out more about this Morally Driven Woman.. check out the links below.


big surprise

Bloody scary


Little bit over the top????

“DON’T EAT FOOD FROM EUROPE”, come on!!!! Europeans are droppin like fly’s???? First I’ve heard of this!!!!!

There are people that still live happily and healthy in Chernobyl’s Exclusion Zone as I write this now!!!!!

People die from similar rates of Cancer over here, and we haven’t been exposed to these disasters!!!!

Pathological parts of the reptilian “MEN’S” brain!!!!! Move over Germaine????

The situation in Japan is not good, but I do think that she is a little over the top!!!!

She will however have a book out soon, and you will be able to get her autograph, when ya line up and pay $49.95 for a copy of her opinion at Dymocks!!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 12 May 2011 11:27 PM

Little bit over the top????

Pathological parts of the reptilian “MEN’S” brain!!!!! Move over Germaine????



She is confident with Public Speaking, so I’ll have to give her that!!!!!  shut eye