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~ The POLITICS Of It ~


Whether ya Hate Politics or Love it!!!!!

This is where ya can get it off ya chest and have a whinge about the people that “Run” the country!!!!!


I’ll kick it off then!!!!

Why is the Government allocating $400 for a digital set top box, when ya can get one for under $40????


Probably cause an MP has a shady connection/vested interest in the manufacturer of the $400 unit.


$40.00 for the unit, $360.00 for the company that sends a guy out to hook it up.

Guy takes about 30 minutes to hook up unit, teach old person to use it and talk about the weather for 20 minutes.

He gets paid $15.00, company owned by Gov ministers wife or kid gets the rest.


And we suckers foot the bill????


maybe so people can buy a whole new tv with a built in digital tuner? grin


They’ll probably hand out $5000, like the Baby Bonus, for a whole new TV!!!!!!

I reckon that there would already be a high % of Pensioners that already have digital now any way!!!!! Got me beat why they wanna waste money on this????


i hate everything 2 do with politics!!

fatima4u - 11 May 2011 07:02 AM

i hate everything 2 do with politics!!

Ya didn’t say that to Matt when he used to come for dinner, did ya????

Mizu Kuma - 11 May 2011 07:09 AM
fatima4u - 11 May 2011 07:02 AM

i hate everything 2 do with politics!!

Ya didn’t say that to Matt when he used to come for dinner, did ya????

Or ya did, just before ya stamped ya feet and ran out of the dining room!!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 11 May 2011 07:10 AM
Mizu Kuma - 11 May 2011 07:09 AM
fatima4u - 11 May 2011 07:02 AM

i hate everything 2 do with politics!!

Ya didn’t say that to Matt when he used to come for dinner, did ya????

Or ya did, just before ya stamped ya feet and ran out of the dining room!!!!!

hahahaha i didnt invite him over


Matt who?


Check out it’s a concise selection of the recent US embassy cables leaked on wikileaks.  I include the one relavant to australia and one of two to the UK (I don’t want people thinking i’m having a go!) although i’d have to say there are more interesting ones in the link.

What we learnt:  Then-PM Kevin Rudd described as “mistake-prone control freak” who makes “snap announcements without consulting other countries or within the Australian government”.

Key Quote:  “His performance so far demonstrates that he does not have the staff or the experience to do the job properly.”

What we learnt:  Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown was perceived to be “finished” by US diplomats in summer 2008, while the UK also kept quiet about a loophole allowing the US to continue storing cluster bombs on its territory despite an international ban.

Key Quote:  “A terrible by-election defeat in Scotland has left the Labour Party reeling and fuelled fears among MPs that Brown’s premiership may now be beyond repair.”

Azz - 11 May 2011 08:23 AM

Matt who?

Matt Brown, a local Labor MP that that was in the news for “lap dancin” on another colleague, dressed only in his Jockey’s!!!!

Matt Brown

Other colleague, Noreen Hay (“Norgsie” as Warren refers to her!!!!)


So many things about politics piss me off!  mad

One thing that really bothered me was when Bob Carr banned jetskis in Sydney harbour. He had a hidden agenda to win votes from the Greens.

I really hate double standards from people in positions of power. Corruption in politics/government/police grinds my gears like nothing else!


Do you think its possible to have a system where corruption cannot happen?

To run a government would be a mammoth task, I cannot think of a way to stop corruption.