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THE 12th MAN 2.0


6. Southern Comfort shots

BTW I love Caesars!

Mizu Kuma - 10 May 2011 12:04 PM
Aidy - 10 May 2011 11:14 AM

5 - lapsang souchong

You drink that with ya Babaganoush Aidy????  LOL

If it is the same stuff that they sell in Japan, we were callin it “Bark Water” when we tried it!!!!!  sick

Unlike Babaganoush unfortunately lapsang souchong actually exists! 

Bark water, yes we’re definately talking the same stuff.

rider26 - 10 May 2011 06:14 PM

6. Southern Comfort shots

BTW I love Caesars!

lol when we where over there my friend she had 1 wen we where out drinking n i had a taste of hit n i nearly spewed up!!!

fatima4u - 11 May 2011 06:43 AM
rider26 - 10 May 2011 06:14 PM

6. Southern Comfort shots

BTW I love Caesars!

lol when we where over there my friend she had 1 wen we where out drinking n i had a taste of hit n i nearly spewed up!!!

It needed another 10 secret herbs and spices????

Aidy - 10 May 2011 09:52 PM
Mizu Kuma - 10 May 2011 12:04 PM
Aidy - 10 May 2011 11:14 AM

5 - lapsang souchong

You drink that with ya Babaganoush Aidy????  LOL

If it is the same stuff that they sell in Japan, we were callin it “Bark Water” when we tried it!!!!!  sick

Unlike Babaganoush unfortunately lapsang souchong actually exists! 

Bark water, yes we’re definately talking the same stuff.



7 - C___ Suckin Cowboys!!!!! Filthy!!!!!


8. Dirty Ass Oyster Shots (that some partents bought us last year at Snowsports!)

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 11 May 2011 07:10 AM

8. Dirty Ass Oyster Shots (that some partents bought us last year at Snowsports!)

Must have seen ya FaceBook page K2????


It was bad, i nearly threw it straight back up in front of students! We did them in the bar while the kids were outside, and i did mine and had to run outside. And all the kids were starting at me as I came bolting round out the door holding it in with agony. So i had to quickly make my way through the wet snow beside the bar to get out of sight and bring it up. They were all laughing soo hard


Looks like we’ll be drinkin some Dirty Ass Oyster Shots at the Shred then!!!!!  LOL


ps. i dont think thats the drinks official name hahaha! i think it had Tequila, Vodka, tobasco sauce and a pickled oyster sick


Ohhhh!!!!! Maybeeee Notttt theeeennnn!!!!!  sick


to be fair it does sound grim.


9. Rocky Mountain Bear ****er

A shot of tequila, Jack Daniels, and Bacardi 151 rum.

Just Giver and darb will know this one.


I wouldnt mind givin that a shot! I love all three, but together…..
That party of the photo of me covered in tomato sauce is after i was necking a bottle of 151