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> Strange Things That We Eat <


What are some of the “Strange” things that are consumed by the Boardworld Crew????

Can be Slugs from another country!!!!! Could be a weird Concoction that ya ate as a Kid!!!!!


I like odd vegetarian type foods and grains and dishes from greek cultures like:
I do like eggplant

I’ve never had the phillipino balut, and dont think I could do it. that’s the unhatched bird… straight from the shell, looks like it would have born the next day, had they not dropped it in a pot of boiling water. yuck!
Anyone had that?


‘babaganoush’ admit it snowslider you made that one up!!!

Aidy - 09 May 2011 02:26 PM

‘babaganoush’ admit it snowslider you made that one up!!!

hahahaha he so did  LOL


I once tried a dog biscuit, but who didn’t growing up!


you guys have never had babaganoush??? I like it heaps better than hummus

fast eddie - 10 May 2011 06:22 AM

I once tried a dog biscuit, but who didn’t growing up!

My first dog, Doug. Everything he ate, well that I fed him anyway, I always tried it as well.

As rule, dog food of any type tastes like crap.


I hate a Scorpion out of a bottle of tequila once, i was hammed grin

snowslider - 09 May 2011 01:56 PM

I’ve never had the phillipino balut, and dont think I could do it. that’s the unhatched bird… straight from the shell, looks like it would have born the next day, had they not dropped it in a pot of boiling water. yuck!
Anyone had that?

big surprise


Saw that one on Luke Nguyen’s show!!!!!  sick


Often eat “Frozen Peas” as an option for a snack!!!!!

snowslider - 09 May 2011 01:56 PM

I like odd vegetarian type foods and grains and dishes from greek cultures like:
I do like eggplant

I’ve never had the phillipino balut, and dont think I could do it. that’s the unhatched bird… straight from the shell, looks like it would have born the next day, had they not dropped it in a pot of boiling water. yuck!
Anyone had that?

Like the old hummus, but not a fan of eggplant much!!!!!

Mrs Mizu made a dip out of Beetroot, Garlic, Yoghurt and water the other day!!!!! Awesome stuff!!!!!


As a young, YOUNG kid I proudly ate snails fresh from the garden.

I’ve worked for some ‘experienced’ chefs and eaten stuff I have no idea what it was - all tasted great until told some of the ingredients, would eat them again - just need to ignore the thoughts.

I just love fresh from the garden tomato on toast with Vegemite - a perfect match.

I don’t do frozen peas but often sit down to a bowl of peas alone as a meal.


Yeah, always had fresh peas on the table as a kid!!!!!

I do remember eatin home made Sausage Rolls!!!!! Raw!!!!! I don’t think that I could now though!!!!


Haha these are so sick LOL
Choko is pretty weird!!


Well I am dutch so that is one culture that eats some weird stuff, seriously who needs extra extra salty licorice?!

But the stragest thing I do, that people gross out over is apple sauce on pasta! Yum!