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Your screen name


Some are obvious, like Snowslider and darb (Brad backwards) some are not, like T-Spec and Tambazz (just to name two that came to mind).
Anyone care to explain…

...and if people dont join in to explain, then maybe we can discuss and speculate what we think their name means, until they correct us (That could be a lot of fun!).


Way to give me away lol, but good thread.


I thought it was obvious from the beginning.
Sorry to give it away…


Mine’s fairly simple. 26 is my birthday. I have always liked the number 26 as my grandfather was born on the 26th also.

I’m interested to hear everyones responses…

snowslider - 25 August 2009 07:45 PM

I thought it was obvious from the beginning.
Sorry to give it away…

I never knew… until i found out on another thread. very sneaky….
Mine is just very shallow, nothing like rider’s and its quite lame on how i ended up on golfpunklegend so i think ill leave it at that unless someone is DYING to find out…..


Tambazz is easy.

Tambo and Azz where both members of snowatch and then they had sexy times and now they are Tambazz.

It saves them from having to log out and log back in or sorry ‘sorry that was me under *insert other persons log on here*’ all the time. Now it’s just a guessing game of working out which one is actually posting.



I have mental issues.

also; my name is Sebastian, remove some letters and shorten and you get s_bas = sbas = spaz Everyone who gets to know me realise it suits. It’s stuck since I was 10 yo.


wooah seems like everyone put a lot of thinking into their screen names.
Story of my life: I created a hotmail account when i was about 12 and wanted it to be .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)..... but it wasnt available. i was obssessed with golf back then. i still am a little but i’ve nearly stopped playing for a while now. So i tried golfpunk92, 1992 being my birthdate. Also not available. So i tried golfpunklegend and voila! available.
I also think it is easier having all my different accounts with the same username so it has been golfpunklegend for a while now smile


banger…my cousin when he was about three or four couldnt say banjo right…just kept saying bang….so bang then banger stuck.

however i prefer foxpuppet.


Dun really know how I got to T-Spec..
Must come out of when my mates and I added Spec (Specifications) onto the end of everything in order to make an adjective into a noun so we could label things to our liking..
Lame became lame-spec, awesome became awesome-spec
Thus take the first initial of Tom (my name) and add Spec = T-Spec.
Competely random..

It was either that, or stick to my hotmail handle - human_retard
(I’ve had that since I was about 11 and have been reluctant to give up such a unique name raspberry)


My name is Nic, that;s the story of mine. Maybe I should change it to somethign with more of a story…na.


These stories are fun to read,
nice theory Tobi.
GPL, I graduated high school (grade 12) in 1992, LOL smile
T-Spec, your name is one that NOONE would have understood… and still dont!
banger, seems so ‘snowboarding’ of a name… “That was a BANGER video part brah!”, but not at all what it seems.

I am going to speculate on a name or two for those that arent here.
Just Giver…. She got her name because people are always telling Jeremy “She is traveling across half the world for you… JUST GIVE HER an engagement ring.”

LOL, I dont even know how long you guys have been together, I hope to not offend.


Oh, I guess that technically I have a story with my name….
A ski school Assistant Director used to refer to the group of instructors or resort guests as ‘snowsliders’, because it avoided the vehicle they used to slide on the snow with. He diddnt use the term long, but I liked it. and used it as a screenname a few times. It stuck when people on the BMB (Burton Message Boards) started really getting to know me by that name. After that I couldnt switch.
I have unfortunately come across a few other people who have used that screenname at other snowboard sites, but they are never as active on snowboard message board sites as I have been.
I think had someone by my name and I had to use ss3snowslider… or ss2snowslider… something like that, I forget.

Not nearly as interesting as some others.
We should suggest that after people introduce themselves in the introduction topic, they visit this topic and tell about their screen name.


Mine is just a reflection of where I’m from originally, not too exciting.

snowslider - 26 August 2009 05:22 PM

I am going to speculate on a name or two for those that arent here.
Just Giver…. She got her name because people are always telling Jeremy “She is traveling across half the world for you… JUST GIVE HER an engagement ring.”

LOL, I dont even know how long you guys have been together, I hope to not offend.

Well your guess of my name is way off snowslider smile A ring is a little too soon and I’m still young (a baby actually as some people put it) You didn’t offend me though. By the way traveling across the world to this place is unbelievable, Sydney is just like my home in Canada and I love it already.

My name actually came from skiing around with my brother and his friends. Whenever we would get to a jump or cliff someone would yell “Just Giver” and they would huck themselves right away. I have met a lot of people from overseas that don’t understand the saying so I’m always having to explain it. It’s a good way of saying “stop being so weak and do it already”


Mines boring - my names Dan and born in 83…