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Happy Birthday cords, for yesterday!!!!!
Hope that freddie spoilt ya!!!!!
It looks rather a pleasant cake. I do hope Mr cords recieved something as good!
Happy Birthday, cords! Hope you had a great day!
It looks rather a pleasant cake. I do hope Mrs cords recieved something as good!
Fixed for you.
It looks rather a pleasant cake. I do hope Mrs cords recieved something as good!
Fixed for you.
In another thread, he did say that he was gettin old!!!!
haha Cords goes with the maiden name but I don’t plan on changing that part any time soon! So maybe Mrs Cords and Mr Ando? haha
cheers guys!
shit, sorry. I kinda knew I might be in trouble on that one as soon as I’d posted it! apologies, I indeed hope you got an epic cake none the less!
shit, sorry. I kinda knew I might be in trouble on that one as soon as I’d posted it! apologies, I indeed hope you got an epic cake none the less!
It looks rather a pleasant cake. I do hope Mrs cords recieved something as good!
Fixed for you.
In another thread, he did say that he was gettin old!!!!
Thanks Mizu, you’re quite correct!
Happy Bday for yesterday!
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Cords
Happy Birthday !!!
Did you get some good pressies?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CORDS!!! hope it was awesome!!
umm yes Cracker’s fiancee gave me 2 of my favourite swedish ciders (rekorderlig) to go with the tortilla dinner my housemate made me! aaand mum has given me a couple of hunge to go towards a new steamer for winter! aaaand Freddie’s grandma is giving me some moolah that I intend to get a new snowboard with! :-D