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Yeh just saw those on their FB. Reminds me of Japan


Yeah, exactly the same setups that they have in Japan hey!!!! Work great too!!!!


Although now that I have had a second look at the pic, it looks a little close to the chair!!!!

Everyone will have to go through the turnstile at the same time to get 4 on the chair!!!!

Might be wrong but in Japan, they were heaps further back from the chairs????

Mizu Kuma - 05 May 2011 07:11 AM


spaz!!!! I need to know!!!! ^^^^^^

Mizu Kuma - 05 May 2011 07:29 AM

Might be wrong but in Japan, they were heaps further back from the chairs????

depended on the chair. Moste the quads or gondalas had them heaps further back, but some twins or trios had them pretty close

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 05 May 2011 07:34 AM
Mizu Kuma - 05 May 2011 07:29 AM

Might be wrong but in Japan, they were heaps further back from the chairs????

depended on the chair. Moste the quads or gondalas had them heaps further back, but some twins or trios had them pretty close

That’s what I thought!!!! Give groups more time to get organized!!!! Some couldn’t cope with the old system as it was!!!!  confused


Surely people will funnel in to be forced into 4’s. But there will always be those that are with mates and dont want to jump on a lift with others.


It doesn’t look like a great deal of room to “funnel” though!!!!! I might be wrong, sometimes pics can be deceivin!!!!!


Here is another view


That is pretty close to the chair!

There is room for 3-5 groups of 4 after the gates to prepare for sitting. If the cattle gates were up (use you imagination Mizu - like it’s winter and the ground is covered in snow) No! don’t look at the above photo, close your eyes and imagine it while you read.

So (in the old scanner gun system we’re used to) you’ve just been scanned and slid forward, now you have to turn left (the place everyone runs over your board and the noobie boarders struggle to negotiate slowing down with one foot out while turning) now the person on the left stops at the corner while the person on the far right has to do a little catch up to make your group of four get in a straight line. Right there is where those new gates are.

Got it?


That’s a better angle, spaz!!!! Plenty of room!!!!  cool smile

Mizu Kuma - 05 May 2011 12:15 PM

That’s a better angle, spaz!!!! Plenty of room!!!!  cool smile

ill put my money on them moving them way back in the future. they did the same think in Sweden and now they are 30ms away on the busiest lifts…..theres always people that have their cards on the wrong side, cards dont work, people scan and dont go through and then it wont let you through for 3mins etc etc etc and if you have only 4groupsof people in front of the gate and the line gets held up you will get empty seats all the time…...30m you never get seats missed…...


I was trying to suss out in the picture if it was mobile and would swing out to where they usually check tickets. Judging by the base of the supports it looks as though they will be bolted to the ground.

They wouldn’t be able to bolt it in the normal spot as they groom there each night. The other side (that we cant see) may have some sort of crane action for moving it or it the might supports may bolt to a sled so it can slide and be push pulled out each day.


back to the station resort opened opening weekend?

is that a definant yes?? I think a mate tried to book last year but it wasnt open… i think it was for the fri night before saturday open


Yep, The Station looks to open all year round.

With the music festival on at Perisher on the opening weekend and the Station being owned by Perisher; I’m sure they’ll be open.

The music festival advertises accommodation starting at $99/night - that would surely be at The Station as it’s Perishers cheapest accom.