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Warren Chapstick - 03 May 2011 12:24 PM

Spaz are you like the Tim Bailey of the snow report????

LOL no, I don’t use a script or young children to promote snow.





Someone has to put that in separated at birth!

spaz - 03 May 2011 12:15 PM

Ok, I’m throwing this in the “make it up” basket. Unless someone can come up with an answer.

One thing for sure is it wont be an old paper style ticket as there wont be ticket checkers/scanner guns. A one day ticket will still have RFID.

My “made up” guess is that you will still need to register so the company can get all your details in the system, even if you have to fill in the details at a ticket office.

If more info comes up I’ll post it.

if its anything like some of the resorts in NZ that run that system (remarks, mt hutt, coronet peak) even if you buy a day pass you get a card i.e. you register with the company, then whenever you go again you just top it up, or you can top it up at home so no waiting in the lines to get a pass like the old days.


I hope that is the case, don’t want no hidden costs! A friend went to NZ last yr and said the whole system is so much easier and free flowing.


it is when the gates are working….


I am gonna guess that there will be some growing pains with this installed for the first time, but in the long run it will be grouse!


In Niseko they had a ticket vending machine that ya buy ya ticket from, opens turnstile gates!!!!!

When ya finished for the Day/Week/Whatever ya simply return the card to the vending machine for ya deposit return!!!!!

Easy as!!!!! Those friggin Bar Code Scanners don’t friggin work anyways!!!!!


at the remarks one day last season 4 out of the 6 turnstile thingys werent working. was such a pain in the arse. so we just cut the line all day long, by the end of the day half the ppl wouldnt even bother wit hthe line and just jump in at the base of the chair lift

deanobruce - 04 May 2011 12:27 AM

if its anything like some of the resorts in NZ that run that system (remarks, mt hutt, coronet peak) even if you buy a day pass you get a card i.e. you register with the company, then whenever you go again you just top it up, or you can top it up at home so no waiting in the lines to get a pass like the old days.

Yep, After reading you post deano that rings a massive bell. That’s exactly what I read somewhere regarding Thredbo, one can conclude the same for Perisher.


i used to hate having to line up mid seson, it is always packed! so we used to do about 3 or so runs in front valley before buying a ticket in the hope that the line would have died down, but on occasion they would be checking tickets first thing, so you head over to the quad.


Crowds, Thankfully they are like sheep and follow one another.

I don’t know how many days last year Kosci Express was 50-100 deep (4 across) and not operating. I would meander over to Slowgums, on a chair instantly and be half way down the supertrail before Kosci started loading. Same with the upper mountain, if there is a crowded line you just go elsewhere but unlike Perisher where you often end up down some valley with only one lift out - with the crowd; Thredbo has options and you can see the lines (or lack of) before going down a run or you can spend half the morning on one run, alone with a couple of people while Merritts is packed.

On the other hand you can always use the SkiTube from Perisher to BlueCow and not buy a lift ticket!!


Monday and Saturday mornings will always be packed on Friday Flats, Merrits and the Supertrail.
Same with Front Valley, Smiggins and Mt P.

Go anywhere else and you are good.

While on the other hand, Thursdays and Fridays you probably want to stay away from places like Supertrail, High Noon, Pleasant Valley and the long green runs near blue cow because your punters have had the guts to get off front valley and they like the easy longer runs.


Did anyone else see photos of the RFID system ready to go on the Kosi? Thredbo put photos on Facebook and twitter. I can’t post them at the moment cause I’m on the iPhone :-(
