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The Home Handyman Thread


Hey guys,
I’m in the process of getting my first house built. We’ve spent over a year and a half with different housebuilders looking at plans etc and we have nearly nailed down the final design. Yesterday we went and had a look at a bunch of show houses and still found loads of cool stuff to incorporate into our design. The house will be built on family land so selling it in the future and getting a better house is not an option, so we have to build it perfect the first go.

So, to the topic at hand, if any of you have found cool houses or cool features, or even great furniture, please post it here. This goes too for any home renovations that you are proud of - all ideas help!


Build this one for another family member, you live in it for two years, sort the stuff you don’t like and build another for you.

Do you have any plans you can show us?

I have built a house for myself before and done major renovations on current home.
Have heaps you good resource material, but need more info on what sort of home your building.


I love these Homes!!!!


hang on, will put up a pic of the ground floor


What about pics of the land that shows views/access points etc etc???


cellphone pic

the land is flat. it’s on a partially reclaimed rice field, which means we split a rice field and had dirt and concrete supports put in to provide a solid foundation. North is down for that pic


holy crap it’s massive


ARGH… even my 24” screen can’t handle that!

Please remove the image!!!!


Do you like Stone?


We have lived in our Pole Home for nearly 20 years now, and thing that we “Jagged” when we had it built was the fact that the house is well off the ground, which has given several advantages including Termite Protection and Air Flow around the entire structure!!!! The Air Flow eliminates Damp and therefore eliminates Mold, one of the biggest risks to you and your families Health!!!!

I noticed that your living areas will face the winter sun!!!! One of the most important things to do!!!!!


We went looking at houses a couple years ago and one thing that stood out of all the places was a two story house that had a laundry chute! LOL


laundry chute is cool but a fireman’s pole would be cooler!


I"ve always wanted a garbage shoot so I didn’t have to constantly take garbage to the bin, especially for recycling waste.


If you are going two story, then a dumb waiter for groceries, laundry, firewood, children etc etc etc is the bomb.

Azz - 04 May 2011 09:26 PM

If you are going two story, then a dumb waiter for groceries, laundry, firewood, children etc etc etc is the bomb.

yeah but the kitchen, washing machine & bathroom (where people take off their clothes for the bath every night) is downstairs, and no fireplace.


don’t bother then.  cheese  Azz shuffles off to look at floor plan red face